• Happy National Banana Bread Day! 🍌🍞

double blades in a canoe

"Water, an open canoe, and a single blade paddle! Sounds delicious... Everything else will simply be known as an imitation…"

I'll drink to that!

Uh huh.. come join me on Lake Superior.. and see how that feels. Water... open canoe (not) and single blade paddle (sometimes).. I like to develop skills with both types of paddle.. I'm pretty good with a single.. (instructor Level 3) and still working on double blade forward stroke.. ( will it ever come!?). I like to work on new stuff. SUP is intriguing but I wonder how to get up on the board!

I like to learn to use all the tools in the tool box. And craft beers... well the meth head analogy doesn't work for me. Most of the craft breweries I know are not run by meth heads. The Good Beer Store specializes in Belgian brews. I am still not drinking Bud Light.. I don't care for most lagers anyway. Give me a brown ale any day or a wheat beer.

The Rastrich with a single blade.
Only a fool would use a double in mangrove tunnels. Or in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey

I was joking about the meth heads... the beer coming from a dirty old bathtub and being labeled craft brew, not so much. Many of the small brewers started that way. Also I like beer from a time when the Bubonic plague was still active, so I can only imagine the water quality of those beers at that time!

I like a lot of crafty brews and perhaps some do it better than the old world, but some are just terrible to me as well.

Perhaps there is a time and a place for a decked canoe or kayak and a double blade, but for an open canoe, it isn't really the proper fit - at least IMO.
my trip isn't your trip and your trip isn't my trip.. Whatever works for you is what will make you happy.. Though I still am challenged to persuade Mem that dats and cogs are OK.!

I applaud all those who are dedicated to the single blade .. we need disciples to keep it alive in the face of the plastic bathtub with icky double blade onslaught. It drives me nuts that outfitters here pander to the masses. I paddle with a Meetup group specifically to combat the double blade petroleum product scourge. Always bring my canoe (wood canvas) with a wood single blade. And always paddle ahead of everyone.. they are amazed how fast you can go in a canoe.. Then they say ... but canoes are slow and heavy.. I say Catch ME! and lift this boat ( its 35 lbs. Their plastitubs are shorter and heavier). Why anyone needs to paddle with a double blade on a small lake or pond is beyond me other than its easy to get from a to b with no training.. That in itself is scary..they have no idea what could go wrong.

OK.. the history of beer probably needs another thread.. Would Rat Bubonic Stout work for you? ( the things Google comes up with!)
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Btw for some reason my posts lose all formatting when posted so it comes out as a a big ugly block of text. Thanks for your patience.
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And I just lost another post that took me twenty minutes to write...:-( I think I will just have to read from now on, and not participate. This forum is too buggy for me. Before I go, Yc, I'd love to see a pic of your 35lb wood canvas canoe!
Sturgeon, you can compose in Word, and copy and paste it in to post, or if you compose on the forum, and it's a big one, copy it before you post. That way if it goes bye bye, you can simply repaste it and try again. Those are things I routinely do for big posts or trip reports, as many sites have gremlins lurking.
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my trip isn't your trip and your trip isn't my trip.. Whatever works for you is what will make you happy.. Though I still am challenged to persuade Mem that dats and cogs are OK.!

I have to say my life would be much easier if my wife and I liked double blades and sitting on the floor, because we'd both have pack canoes which are at a significant advantage in most of the Adirondacks.

I don't particularly like kneeling either because I don't have great flexibility in my knees and ankles - but the feel and control when in a solo boat can't be beat.

I'm not trying to discourage double blades either - I just don't like to use them myself.

And yeah the forum is buggy. I lose posts now and again but they probably weren't that important. If I feel they are, then I rewrite them. Using a separate text editor is the smartest solution, but I'm stubbornly sticking to this one.
I'm getting a lot of error messages recently.. But Sturgeon don't go. Robin is out doing what we all love to do and when he gets back in time things will get better. Let's give him time to unpack!

Now AutoCorrect is a morph of the dragon and the dum dum. Surely a creation of Satan!
I noticed on a mixed paddle type trip recently, that my Navigator double was quieter than all the other doubles. Still not as quiet as a single, but tolerable.
Quiet is important. It allows you sinister, double-bladed canoe paddlers to sneak up on your victims unawares and do your dirty tricks on them.
Mem you have to come to Ozark Rendezvous.. Almost all canoeists.. there will be some that are double blade affixed and others not!
I'd like to get to the States to do some canoeing, but it will be a while yet, do to my inability to make any rational decisions regarding the green devil, money. I am picking up a new truck this week though, so when I get a vacation from my second job that I'll have to get to make the payments, I'll have a vehicle that will make it to the Ozarks.
One thing I'd like to mention is that a properly wielded double blade paddle does not go "kerplunk" at any point in the foreward stroke ;)
Now where the heck is Brad? We've labored long and hard to give him insightful, on the topic, information and he seems to be off lolly-gagging somewheres. ;)

Having paddled a single blade for many decades, the thought of a double bladed paddle never crossed my mind. I used to paddle rivers solo with a single blade. Then I built a sea kayak from a Pygmy kit and learned the ways of two blades. In the wind, not to mention confused seas in salt water, or tidal rips that come out of nowhere, there are definitely some merits to using a kayak paddle, even in a canoe. I have gotten over the prejudice. For a long trip with 2 paddlers I would bring 3 single blades. For a long trip solo, I would bring a single blade and a double bladed paddle.
Ok, here goes. I will admit to toying with the idea of a double blade. I found it to be a very wet proposition. It appears in hindsight that I was not using the paddle correctly. I tend to bring it too much to the vertical instead of sweeping closer to the horizontal. Who knew?

Many years ago in a sportpal, I took some duct tape and strapped two canadian tire planks together to make a double that weighed in at about 15 pounds by the feel of it. It was a short but epic failure. It did make me instantly infamous amongst my peers however.

My current technique is hit and switch , sometimes with a bent shaft used the wrong way around. Just because I am me, and no one else wants to be.

YC, bringing beer to Canada is like taking your own oil to Saudi Arabia. Just buy some when you get here....my personal fave notwithstanding ( Kokanee), you may wish to try Bleu et Cinquante. As Rob can confirm, I drink mostly coffee, but that was not always the case....lol.
