Blabber? Not so, sir. I for one enjoy reading your well crafted posts. They should be collected and published!
Keep on "blabbering".
Keep on "blabbering".
Now on another subject: Our friend Memaquay has said some pretty awful things about double bladed paddles. I suspect that It comes from being built the way he is, he could probably take a Popsicle stick and out paddle the both of us.
Blabber? Not so, sir. I for one enjoy reading your well crafted posts. They should be collected and published!
Keep on "blabbering".
The slogans used to be "Eat your Wheaties!" and "Got Milk?" but I think it should be changed to "Eat your Walleye!" and "Got Budweiser?".
Well maybe the former if you want to go to the Olympics, but if you want to man handle giant boats I think it should be the latter.
Well on the subject of cogs and dats, any Internet "discussion" is bound to end eventually in negativity.. .
I'm a bit confused but I meant no negativity... only a jest that Meme's super human strength may be a result of his higher than average Walleye fish and Budweiser intake.
And maybe another jest that perhaps that be the breakfast of the 'canoe tripper'. I've eaten my milk and Wheaties and there is no way I'd be able to pop a 110lb canoe up over my head*
*Well maybe once I could, but the resulting hernia would prevent a second try.
Good suggestion and only requires a trip to a Beer Store ( we can get Quebec beers here but not Ontario beers).. However it seems that a lot of it might be required for persuasion.. 3.5. percent?How about this? A traditionalist might consider a canoe paddled by a double blade to be... A Cracked Canoe:
Now on to micro-breweries and their merits relative the yak paddle…..seems to me micro brew drinkers are often yak paddlers, hell, sometimes they can even double blade right up to the doorstep of the microbrewery and walk in with their fancy skirts on. Don't get me wrong, I'll drink micro brewery stuff, heck, I'll drink anything, but I still won't let the dirty double blade in my canoe!