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What's happening in your shop this winter?

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Put a handle on a helle viking knife blade with brass, birchbark, leather, copper and antler. Made a bark and leather sheath as well.


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The little stripper is the Nature Center donation that will be raffled next weekend. It's been getting hauled around all summer and winter and picked up some scratches so I wanted to give it another coat of varnish. Gonna be nip and tuck. Didn't get it back until Saturday and didn't realize I was almost out of varnish until the stores closed. Used up the dregs of a can and figured out why they always recommend decanting into another container. It had debris from about 6 different projects floating around in the can and the finish came out a little "fuzzy". Hoping in the next day or two it will be hard enough to sand. Fingers crossed I can just wet sand with 1500 grit and get a decent finish.

Well things are going to come down to the wire on this one. That coat of varnish went on Saturday night. It's now Tuesday evening and it's still soft, I can gouge it with a thumbnail. Not good. Dry sanding by hand with fine sandpaper and the finish tends to roll off. Wet sanding was ok but the multitude of dust/debris nibs needed something more aggressive. Worried it might not get hard in time so I put 320 grit on the ROS and sanded the whole thing down again. Miraculously it didn't plug the sandpaper very bad.

Waiting for the dust to settle and then I'll go back out to put on another coat, this time decanted from a fresh can. Last chance to get it right. It's got until Saturday morning to be hard enough for transport to the Elk's club for the raffle that evening. I can Watco the gunwales once it's set up at the Elk's.

Put a handle on a helle viking knife blade with brass, birchbark, leather, copper and antler. Made a bark and leather sheath as well.

That looks great. Playing around with knives and handles is another itch I might need to scratch soon. You guys are giving some good inspiration.

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Just thought I'd post a couple of pictures from my winter work. Finally finished the paddle with extra epoxy from my seat build. Piesafe was a donation to my daughters school fundraiser.


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Nope, kids did all of the Tin work. It was a classroom project, the school logo is in the center and each of the corners has one of the students initials.
Been nice out so I worked on a couple of hulls outside, a Mad River Winooski 14'6" kevlar and a Mad River Explorer 16' Royalex. The wood gunnels came out nice but I ran out of SS screws for the Explorer. Did some G-flex repairs on the kevlar Winooski.
I'm waiting on my finish for the canoe, tracking says Wednesday, so I decided to build some lights

A 10 Light Night

The rx explorer and kevlar Winooski have new rails and seats, well I need to wrap one more seat with webbing, but moving right along.

I'm waiting on my finish for the canoe, tracking says Wednesday, so I decided to build some lights

A 10 Light Night

Looks like you've brought those grinders out of the Dark Ages !
That Whiskey Barrel Band Chandelier, is a Bright idea also !
Technically not winter nor in the shop. I took advantage of the good weather and Pine Tarred the inside of my Prescott Canoe.

interesting, pine tar... Never herd of that before, not the pine tar, but pine tar inside of a canoe!!