• Happy National Banana Bread Day! 🍌🍞

What's happening in your shop this winter?

Looks like I'll be building an new Atkinson Traveler. I picked up the mold, stem mold, plans, backing iron, and a tin of tacks. The guy gave me the works. Turns out he built the mold, and a couple of boats about 27 years ago. It's in very good shape being stored inside all those years. I'll have to contact Rollin and send him some money.



A great find !
Will be looking forward to your build report and Photos !!!
It was pure luck, but as they saw when it rains it pours. I'm part of a local community boat shop called the East End Classic Boat Society here's the link if you are so inclined, eecbs.org anyway we had a booth set up at a local town wide maritime festival (another name for selling and drinking mass quantities of beer on the street) selling raffle tickets for this years boat that was built and they guy walks up and asks if anyone wants a canoe mold. It wasn't something the community shop wanted so it came straight to me. And to think I almost didn't go that day.
I'll start a thread when I actually start building. I've got a bunch of little boats to haul and store away for the winter before the end of October. I also need to decide if I'm going to plank in red or white cedar. Probably white, and a Dacron skin to keep the weight down I'm not getting any younger.
You are right Mark. I'll start by milling the ribs when ever I can fit it into the schedule. And steaming the stems, I can do that anytime and the sooner the better.
Anyone else find it funny that this thread has been running long enough that the title may be accurate again soon?

Yep, winter is coming. I'm looking forward to it because my 250 sq. foot shop at the end of my garage is going to be vacated for the 1500 sq. foot shop just across the road that the Sanborn Canoe Co. boys vacated when they moved to town a couple of months ago.
Anyone else find it funny that this thread has been running long enough that the title may be accurate again soon?

Yeah, that is just freaking hilarious. I have been looking for a project boat fixer-upper since last fall to no avail. If I don’t find something soon I may need to learn needlepoint or start blogging about woman’s NCAA basketball to help fill the winter months.

Yep, winter is coming. I'm looking forward to it because my 250 sq. foot shop at the end of my garage is going to be vacated for the 1500 sq. foot shop just across the road that the Sanborn Canoe Co. boys vacated when they moved to town a couple of months ago.

1500 sg ft. Oh my lust and envy.

That should be a fun design-fill with tools and equipment.
If I don’t find something soon I may need to learn needlepoint or start blogging about woman’s NCAA basketball to help fill the winter months.
That sounds like it might be fun. If my shop projects ever begin to wane, I've thought of starting a Spork business, filing grooves in the ends of spoons.
That sounds like it might be fun. If my shop projects ever begin to wane, I've thought of starting a Spork business, filing grooves in the ends of spoons.

Ya know Conk, you could multi-task the two; sit in a recliner watching women’s basketball while custom filing spoon ends. Just remember to vacuum up the metal shavings before the next game.

dang I’m glad Glenn is back.
Yep, winter is coming. I'm looking forward to it because my 250 sq. foot shop at the end of my garage is going to be vacated for the 1500 sq. foot shop just across the road that the Sanborn Canoe Co. boys vacated when they moved to town a couple of months ago.

I'm eating my heart out right now ! Never thought a 26'x30' would be too small !

​ Congrats !
Maybe a Voyageur might come of of that shop ? ! ;)

Picked up this 18'4" by 36" (center thwart at gunnels) Wabash Valley Canoe (kevlar circa 1981 serial # 000015). Just got it off the truck so didn't weigh it but it's lightweight to me.

Plan is to remove all the aluminium and tractor seats, sand it down and restore a small patch, then paint it with Interlux and add ash gunnels/trim and hang new ash webbed seats off the gunnels rather than thru the sides of the canoe. I like the looks of this canoe with upturned shearline and roundish bottom, looks pretty fast to me. Big lightweight tripper imo.



No Title

We need to push 4 boats through the shop to be ready for Spring and this Bastien Bros 15 footer we picked up in London, Ontario on Monday from Martin will be one of them.

Both decks have serious rot and will be replaced, some inwale tips as well as at least one stem tip. The stems themselves were poorly done at the factory and we may need to pull the cant ribs out to move them up to pull the stems inside the hull again. It needs 3-4 ribs and some minor planking. New outwales and cap strips. Each stem band came off in 3 pieces and some of the outwale screws needed to be drilled out.

There was a funny bulge along one side about 3" down from the outwale that we solved the mystery when we pulled the canvas off. It looks like the canvas was cut back a few inches, it was likely pulling away from the outwale as the other side was doing, then a strip of fibreglass was bonded to the canvas and boat. That is going to be a chore to remove. It may not even be canvas, Verolite possibly Or the canvas was filled with resin in an effort to seal it, either way the paint wasn't sticking to whatever it was.

Whatever the covering was it weighed about 20 pounds.


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Yes, not the first one we have had and this may be a keeper. It is very similar to your Faber. They make a really good solo. I have a 14 foot of the same model tooo. We shall see which I like better.
Well my heater at the shop quit working last week and I'm still waiting for my friend to come and fix it. So since my shop was about 28° doing anything using fine motor skills was out if the question I decided to to start getting rib stock out for the Atkinson Traveler mold I picked up in the fall.
I pulled these outside, they were trimmings or off cuts from I planking job I did two summers ago (see how this relates to that other thread on saved wood scraps)


Since they were over 20" wide I needed to break them down a bit and cut away the sap wood.


Then they were planed because the original planks were rough sawn straight from the mill. The planks are air dried nor kiln dried but they have been in my shop/possession for three years.
The next step was to rip them to the width of the ribs, but they are still a full 6/4 thick.


Next was a trip through the band saw to rip off to about the proper thickness.


After a trip through the planer they are just a bit over the desired thickness. They still need a bit of time visiting the drum sander and then some other features but for now I've got 60 rib blanks the real long ones I can get two ribs out so enough rib stock for 63 ribs. Not quite ten more than is needed. I still haven't decided on half ribs or not.



On another note unrelated to canoes, our town suffered a tragedy today. About 5:30 am a building on Main Street Sag Harbor caught on fire and fueled by the wind in the end five business were lost and the most precious was a theater that was built in the 1800. Back in the day it had vaudeville and burlesque shows but present day it was the largest independently owned theater on Long Island. No multiplex about it. They always had the art movies and independent films the theaters like United Artist and Regal never show. If interested search 'Sag Harbor fire' if you want to read about it.
Milling up some rib stock helped keep my mind off what was happening in town.