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what is Swift cooking up?

Glenn I paid over the phone by credit card. They charge Canadian amount, but my bank converts to US funds at my end. Easy peasy. I am driving up to get it and as Yellowcanoe posted....no duty at the border.
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Ya but you might also be hit with international use fee from your CC company, I did on my Souris River.
Or I could save you the travel time. Only about 3 hours for me. (one way) I'll pick it up, rack it, bring it home, test paddle it (we still have open water around here), give you weekly bulletin blogs about it, and deliver it to you sometime around...we'll discuss the delivery date. No charge.
Ya but you might also be hit with international use fee from your CC company, I did on my Souris River.

Yes, exactly, the foreign transaction fee.

I just called all three of my credit card companies -- AMEX, Citi (Mastercard) and Bank of America (Visa) -- and they all confirmed that the foreign transaction fee would apply to a purchaser in the U.S. who buys something from a Canadian vendor, and most certainly if the transaction is in Canadian currency. The foreign transaction fees on my cards are 3% (Citi and BOA) and 2.7% (AMEX) of the U.S. converted amount.

There are, of course, credit cards that have no foreign transaction fees. You have to check.

AMEX said they wouldn't charge the FTF if the transaction was processed through a third party vendor such as PayPal, but they didn't know whether PayPal itself charges a foreign transaction or currency conversion fee, and I haven't checked that.
I used a debit card...Canadian was 5051.25. US funds was 3868.00 My bank charged me 30.00 I am not sure what the exact exchange rate was at the moment it was charged. If you do the math it comes out as 0.76575105

I am happy with the final price I paid for it but I don't plan on doing it again.

Glenn, Scott at Swift will figure the price both ways for you and then you can decide if you want to take a road trip or just wait for the truck to stop at your door. It is an 18 hour round trip for me. I am going to drive up get the boat and head back.
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When I bought my Kee 14 I ordered it a paddle fest at mountianman in the adks. Big discount(15%)? when buying there then, don't know how it is now.
Even if you go there the foreign transaction fee will bite you.. We just accept it cause our credit card is otherwise excellent..We spend typically over a month a year in Canada.. more this coming year.

I am not sure about ordering a specific boat and color and material scheme at Mountain Man or any of the other shows.. if you get the usual show discount.
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I believe the most economical way would be to take US currency to the border. Stop and exchange it for Canadian currency, buy the canoe and pay cash, and then canoe happily ever after.
I probably don't need to warn you about lake effect weather Nodrama, but take care on your way up there. That highway can be a devil in winter. Westerlies blowing snow and black ice are common in the Barrie area on the hwy400, hwy 11. Take it easy eh.
I believe the most economical way would be to take US currency to the border. Stop and exchange it for Canadian currency, buy the canoe and pay cash, and then canoe happily ever after.
Not all crossings have currency exchanges.. They are becoming far harder to find and charge three percent.
Now as to the debit card... We have a bank that has both US and CDN branches and just use the ATM on arrival in Canada.. With the large amount of money for a canoe that requires a lot of planning as I believe there are daily limits on withdrawal.

Heck I have a devil of a time finding duty free at my favorite crossing.. A one house shack with a pasture with cows.
Even if you go there the foreign transaction fee will bite you.. We just accept it cause our credit card is otherwise excellent..We spend typically over a month a year in Canada.. more this coming year.

I am not sure about ordering a specific boat and color and material scheme at Mountain Man or any of the other shows.. if you get the usual show discount.

You can have it built 'Your Way' and they'll bring it down to MM about a month later. They will have a truck (& Trailer) load of them. That's what I did last years, but I didn't have the option of colors, which is fine, I like subdued.
Even if you go there the foreign transaction fee will bite you.. We just accept it cause our credit card is otherwise excellent..We spend typically over a month a year in Canada.. more this coming year.

I am not sure about ordering a specific boat and color and material scheme at Mountain Man or any of the other shows.. if you get the usual show discount.

The foreign transaction fee always applies when you purchase out of the country. The more obscure rule is that it applies to out-of-country vendors even when you order from the U.S. Most people who travel abroad get at least one credit card that doesn't have a foreign transaction fee. I only use cash back cards, and I know Capital One has a cash back card with no annual fee and no FTF, but I don't have that card. BOA has a good points travel card with no annual fee or FTF.

You shouldn't pay shipping from Swift if you buy from one of their dealers. The problem is they only have U.S. dealers in NY and Connecticut.
Not all crossings have currency exchanges.. They are becoming far harder to find and charge three percent.
Now as to the debit card... We have a bank that has both US and CDN branches and just use the ATM on arrival in Canada.. With the large amount of money for a canoe that requires a lot of planning as I believe there are daily limits on withdrawal.

Heck I have a devil of a time finding duty free at my favorite crossing.. A one house shack with a pasture with cows.
My purchase was above my daily limit......I had to make prior arraingements with the bank to get it done.
I probably don't need to warn you about lake effect weather Nodrama, but take care on your way up there. That highway can be a devil in winter. Westerlies blowing snow and black ice are common in the Barrie area on the hwy400, hwy 11. Take it easy eh.

Really angling for that test paddle, eh? ;)
I am planning on driving up to Swift and getting the canoe and seeing what else they have in the store I cannot live without, then probably spending the night and coming back the next day. Will probably try to find a nice place to eat a big steak.

I think the earliest date it will be ready for pickup is the last week of Feb. Hopefully I will not caught up in horrible weather. I will either take the Jeep or my daughters Ford Focus. They are the only two vehicles that have racks on top. I will be at WPASCR with it so anyone that wants to paddle it can.
Or I could save you the travel time. Only about 3 hours for me. (one way) I'll pick it up, rack it, bring it home, test paddle it (we still have open water around here), give you weekly bulletin blogs about it, and deliver it to you sometime around...we'll discuss the delivery date. No charge.

Lol. Just saw this....I have a better plan. I drive up to your place this summer and you show me some good paddling spots and you can test paddle it then?
Lol. Just saw this....I have a better plan. I drive up to your place this summer and you show me some good paddling spots and you can test paddle it then?

Sweet!! But seriously, get you and that hull home safe and sound. And then snap a pic for those of us still dream'n of summer and new canoes.
Nodrama, can you swing through Connecticut (western!) on your way back with the canoe. I'll buy a steak. I can find Kev Fusions in CT and NY but no one will allow test paddles until late April, even though we have open water. That's too late for my Florida trip.

Alternatively, if you see an all carbon Kee 15 at the factory that they'll sell for a 15% discount, let me know. I'd drive to Ohio but never again will I enter Canada.
Glenn if you buy the boat I will bring it back with me. I will be crossing back into the US at Niagra Falls (not paddling) and can meet you in say Rochester if you want. You never know.....they may give you the discount if you sweet talk them.