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what is Swift cooking up?

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My Shearwater is being built......should be infused by the end of the day.....Hoping to be on my way up there soon. Couple of pictures....


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And if you can see through it then you won't get me to drink it!! Porter, Stout... All day!!

I knew I had kin in Canada.

Gimme a nice thick beer. Even a Black & Tan is quaffable at room temperature. Do that with a Budweiser and try not to gag.
'Good Beer' tastes better a little warmer 43-47˚F. Cold temps robs taste and that's why light beer taste best 'COLD'.
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The Shearwater is taking shape. Out of the mold this morning.....

Yellowcanoe do not view the last picture while rocking the rocking chair..... :)


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Glenn I talked to Scott yesterday.....he said that if you had questions about the lay up weights etc to give him a call. They will have my canoe done by Friday so I will probably check out the weather forecast and get up there next week to get it. I really like the scrim addition also. Toned down the color which is what I was wanting.
Yellow I saw that post as well.....I am going to try very hard to NOT buy any more canoes for a couple of years......

Odyssey I will be putting a blankie, my snowshoes, and a camping stove with rations in the jeep based on the weather outlook.....I will try to sneak up there and back during a lull in the snow...
Nodrama, are you getting the cherry web seat or the new carbon web seat in your boat. If the carbon seat, did they upcharge you for it?
That is some kind of purty boat, congrats. Ruby with Carbon Scrim Exterior Layer! Reminds me of "red hair and black leather, my favorite color scheme." .
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Ok.....drove 20 hours round trip and got in at 5 am this morning. Slept for three hours and then unwrapped the boat, took some photos, and went for a paddle. I finally have a solo I am comfortable in...... I give it a 12 out of a possible 10. Cannot wait to get some gear in it and go tripping. The canoe weighs 35 pounds WITH the footbrace and the carry yoke attached.


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Yes the bolts have all been eliminated. The seat is glued to the carbon pods which are glued to the inside of the boat. I wear a size 9.5 shoe and can still get my feet under the seat if I want to kneel. The only metal in the canoe are the two small "safety pin" style clips for adjusting the carbon foot brace.

Edit on the weight...... The carbon removable portage yoke weighs 2pounds 3 ounces. The canoe weighs 33 pounds 10 ounces. This is pretty much exactly what was predicted by Swift.

As soon as I sat down in it and pushed away from the shore I was amazed at how much more stable it is than the Bell Yellowstone I sold. I am planning on several paddles this week in a local lake to start getting familiar with the handling characteristics. So far I am thinking I hit the jackpot with this one.