Looking forward to meeting you as well.
A little update on the build: gunwales on, bulkheads installed, and thwarts cut to fit. I know my method for installing these thwarts deviates from what most people believe is the "right" way to do it, but I thought trying something different was in order. So here it goes, I cut a tenon on the ends of my thwarts, and a mortise in the inwales and through the hull, but not the outwales. These will be glued into place with thickened epoxy. I will glass the top edge of my gunwales, bulkheads(second layer of glass on those), and thwarts to tie everything together. glassing the top edge of the gunwales affords me a number of benefits in my book. extra abrasion resistance when loading/unloading, it ties the in/outwales together across their top edge, and also protects the top edge of the hull from water intrusion.

A little update on the build: gunwales on, bulkheads installed, and thwarts cut to fit. I know my method for installing these thwarts deviates from what most people believe is the "right" way to do it, but I thought trying something different was in order. So here it goes, I cut a tenon on the ends of my thwarts, and a mortise in the inwales and through the hull, but not the outwales. These will be glued into place with thickened epoxy. I will glass the top edge of my gunwales, bulkheads(second layer of glass on those), and thwarts to tie everything together. glassing the top edge of the gunwales affords me a number of benefits in my book. extra abrasion resistance when loading/unloading, it ties the in/outwales together across their top edge, and also protects the top edge of the hull from water intrusion.