What I meant was simply a general rule that tumblehomed canoes are likely to be somewhat less seaworthy in big waves (i.e., wetter) than straight-sided or flared canoes. That doesn't mean I would choose or prefer a given canoe solely on the basis of side shape or big wave performance. My decision would not be made on specs or appearance, but rather on feel. I would get into the canoe and test its primary and secondary stability, its heel-ability (tip-over point), and other performance characteristics.
I have no spec definition of what "significant" tumblehome is. In general again, I'd say that a tumblehomed canoe is one where the chine (or bilge) width is noticeably greater than the gunwale width, a flared canoe is one where the gunwale width is noticeably the maximum width, and a straight-sided canoe is is one where the chine width and gunwale width are about the same. I own canoes of all three types. Any side profile can be designed into a satisfactorily performing and seaworthy hull.
I simply wouldn't worry at all about the amounts of tumblehome, or not, in any of the canoes you are considering.
But since you will, I'll say a bit more. All the big canoes from established companies such as Swift, Wenonah, Souris River, H20, Northstar, and Savage River have track records as performance trippers—whatever their side profiles, which is only one element of hull design.
The Nighthawk Pegasus, a brand I'd never heard of, doesn't seem to have any significant tumblehome, as defined by chine width vs. gunwale width. The chine width isn't stated but seems to be about the same as the gunwale width of 36".
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My educated guess is that the Pegasus has solid primary and secondary stability and would be very seaworthy. You won't be heeling a big canoe like this with three people in it, and I'm confident that you know that inexperienced paddlers (and even experienced paddlers) should not go out in big wind and waves, especially in the remote wilderness.
With a chine width of 29.5"and a gunwale with of 25.5, my Swift Keewaydin 15 has what I'd call significant bubble-sided tumblehome:
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I was concerned about the stability and tip-over point of this hull before I bought it, so the seller and I arranged a test paddle. Notwithstanding the significant tumblehome, the hull has good initial and final stability, does not have an early tip-over point, and is seaworthy in waves. That's probably because the tumblehome is brought up high on the sides all the way along the hull.
The Keewaydin 18.5 probably has a similar tumblehome profile, given that its specs are:
- Gunwale width: 32.5 in
- Maximum width: 35.5 in
- Waterline width: 32.5 in
These specs would also confirm your suspicion that the Kee 18.5 is likely to be faster and tippier than the 34" waterlines of the Savage River Voyageur and the two H2Os, and the probably wider yet Souris River Quetico and Nighthawk Pegasus.
Again, I don't think you should be concerned about the side profiles of any of these canoes. Stability and the waterline spec, in addition the the capacity spec, all are more important for three inexperienced adults in a canoe. I also wouldn't be concerned about the resin that is used because I doubt you will abuse the canoe hard enough or long enough to make a difference. But since you will, I think its better to be fascinated by epoxy resin than the alternatives, assuming the epoxy is somehow protected against UV degradation and if you are willing to pay for it.