Did you put anything between the shell of the flotation chamber and the inside hull to achieve the flotation or is just the air between the space enough? Would a solid foam block be better or unnecessary?
I really like the shape of this, and being 270# and inexperienced at canoeing, I think this would be ideal and give a little more stability in a 15ft canoe. This will also cover up my inside stems so I won’t have to hand sand them flat.
I also really like the thought of the cedar strip covering so will see if steambending and glassing will hold the shape.
Ok, one last thought. This will obviously take some time for me to make it look how I want which brings me to my next concern. If I fiberglass the inside first then start working on the flotation chambers, how long do I have to get them done, and gunnels put on to support the hull from caving in? Does that question make sense?