• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

basalt Innegra tandem tripper.

That’s just the epoxy. I haven’t decided yet. Seems like you guys like the old varnish. But I’m kind of leaning towards an automotive clear coat.
Clear coat is an option for sure, It's just more expensive to pay someone to do it ! If you have the talent I'd go for it !

Have a good day on the Water !
I’m pretty happy with my first seat. It’s three layers of 5 oz carbon, one layer of 7 oz basalt Innegra, and one layer of 4 oz glass. The Plastic Clipper seat I used for the mold is 16 oz. mine is 12 oz. A store bought carbon seat is 8 oz. I’ve never really molded anything like this before, but it was really easy.


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Seat support rods.
My wife (130#)can do a chin up on them without deflection.
They are made from 1/2” x 1 1/4” foam wrapped in three 8oz carbon sleeves.
Glued down with epoxy dyed black and thickened with blue board crumbs.
Total weigt of seat and support rods is 1# 1 oz plus thickened epoxy to glue down.


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I finished building the seats and installing them
the bow is a slider. I sanded down inside and out and did a finish coat of epoxy. The inner carbon layer had quite few visual defects so I added black dye to the final coat of epoxy. Any thoughts on the UV blocking ability of that? I’m scheduled Wednesday with a busy to spray a clear coat on it.

I took it out today to get some racing buddies opinions. They couldn’t get the same top end speed out fo it as the 18’6”s. But at more normal speeds(5mph) it really glides effortlessly. It’s pretty tippy on the initial stability but has really strong secondary stability. I even tried tipping it on the side like the solo free style guys do. I’ve never been able to do that before, but with this one I can bounce it right there. More testing will tell if it’s a contender in the Yukon 1000 or not. It feels a lot smaller and that’s a big river, so a spray skirt will be I order for sure.


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That's great news. Good to hear it's working out so far. Nice work!

What as the final weight?

Trying to look through your pics so far, I'm wondering how sharp the bow entry is ? Maybe a dedicated Racer, will chime in, but it seems the race hulls I've seen have a sharp entry ?

Just a thought ! Instead of painting, roll on a coat of Epoxy mixed with graphite, up to the 3-4" waterline.
Lightly sand and put it through the paces !

The Epoxy shouldn't cost much more than varnish, but may add some speed ! I've always felt that the graphite helped, but I can't verify it !
Now would be a good time to find out, beings you have some veteran racers to test it !

You could maybe sharpen the bow stem at the same time .

Again ! Thoughts going through this Old Guy's head !

I'm about to embark on a White Water Composite for a friend ! I Have the the Male mold almost ready.

After working with hand laying Innegra/ Basalt, do you have any tips or thoughts on this ? Excessive resin use ? Wetting out ? I know I/B is not real stiff ?

Thanks !

I think you will love the fabric. One thing is I probably wouldn’t put a glass vale over it. It you use the peel ply right on the Innegra, it should have enough resin to do a sanding. If you end up cutting into the Innegra while sanding, just cut the nubs off with a chisel and cover it with more epoxy. The color will change at first where you sanded though, but afterwards you won’t be able to see it. But Im assuming that’s the same with Kevlar, in which case you already know that. One nice thing about it is you can pull on it much more than other fabrics whiteout kinking the strands. This allows a less stressful layup on subsequent layers if doing it all at once. Will you be doing a thread on it? I’ve been out of the game since summer hit. But I’d love to follow.
Thanks I'm debating a build thread.

This will be my 5th Composite.

Thanks for your input, as there is very little posting out there on home builders working this stuff !
