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Carbon Innegra canoe build

Funny thing about Peel Ply !
I weighed the peel ply I used on my first attempt with it. It didn't SOAK up any resin.
It did how ever reduce the fill coats needed to fill the weave !

If it conformed to irregular shapes, I'd be totally sold on it ! Alan suggested cutting it into strips, and that might help !
Gotta love the experimenting in canoe building around here ! Hockey Sticks ? :D

Yes- I am totally sold on peel ply! Cool that you weighed it to see if they reduced any weight. I will have to try that next time. Whether it cut any weight, it definitely cut out hours (maybe days) of sanding. If you cut the peel ply into 18 in. strips and overlap an inch or so, they do drape nicely over the hull.
On a side note, I think it's time you build a Stripper, if for nothing else, to use for a mold. I'd love to see another composite Carbon/Innegra build !!!

Most of all, I'd like to hear your layup schedule !

Haha I have the itch! And not just from sanding fiberglass. At some point I will probably have to if I want a specific solo. Lots of cool designs on this forum that are giving me ideas.
All the great builds going on now inspired me to get back to the needed upgrades on the CF Innegra canoe I built last summer. I posted this on some other threads but the biggest issue was the oil canning when not loaded (I used pink foam ribs, like the Moran method). Alas, Im installing a real foam core 1/4 in divinycell, scrimed and scored. Amazingly, the foam fit perfectly between all the ribs with zero waste. Same for the 1 yd of CF - it was meant to be.

Here are some pics of the progress in case anyone else has to undertake this in the future. I epoxied the grided side down, then beveled the edges, then sanded the edges. To cut CF fabric cleanly, I very lightly sprayed Super 77 along the cut line, waited a few minutes and cut it. No loose strands! That’s peel ply in the photo with several bags of sand for pressure. Poor mans vacuum bag as you guys say. Hoping this works out and thank you to everyone who has shared their wisdom on how to successfully do this kind of thing!


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Thanks for refreshing this thread ! I love going back and digging the cob webs out of my memory !

Glad you upgraded from Pink foam. I need to redo my first Pink Foam Fiasco !


I'm in the process of another composite.
Really wanted to try the Innegra/basalt, but sticking to Old School Kevlar and S-glass this time. Innegra will be in my Future I hope !

Been using S-glass lately, and like working with it !

Fraying Cloth can be a curse ! I'll have to try the 77. I was always concerned it might cause adhesion problems.
Nice! Looking forward to following your next build, Jim. Pretty cool we live in a time where you can call Kevlar Old School haha.

I am amazed how hard the real foam core cured. Im a true believer now. No issues with bonding so far, but I made sure to spray the 77 very quickly and lightly.