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Leaving tonight - SPOT tracking page

Alan Gage

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
NW Iowa
Leaving for my trip tonight. Hope to be on the water Monday or Tuesday. It's a 1500 mile drive. Will be paddling from Wollaston Lake to Nueltin Lake via the Cochrane and Thlewiaza Rivers. On the way back from Nuletin I plan to take the Putahow River until I can portage over to Kasmere Lake. From that point I'll be retracing my steps. I'm planning to be on the water 40-45 days. Should be quite the adventure.

Here's a link to my SPOT tracking page: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0VqFL4roClzIXrYHNGMJ9BtmK120oE3Jn

It's going to be blank until I start sending messages (probably in 2-3 days). It will only show the most recent 7 days of activity. I'll try and send out an ok message every day.

Sadie and I will check in when we get back. Wish me luck!

Thanks for posting the link to the tracking page, I'll be following right along. That is quite an impressive route, and distance/ays on the trail. Good luck and have fun. I'll be following along in some of the books I have of that area.

I was supposed to leave Monday early but home life got in the way, hopefully a little later in the week for 2 weeks up there in northwestern Ontario
Good deal, I will try to follow along some and also try and follow PD's journals of that same area...
I was reading on another forum of a bold bear on that route. Check out CCR. The bear is not afraid of man or dog so be cautious

Meanwhile I'm here cause 17 west if Sudbury is at a standstill for 30 km
Dumb day for construction IMO
I think alan found your link YC. We shall live vicariously thru your spots. Yes that was a bold bear!
Alan, I know you are not planning on coming by the house on your way there, but if you did, I would give you my spray and holster and bangers\launcher to take with you. I don't need them.
Safe journeys to you and Sadie! Have a great trip. Will be following your progress!
Alan, best of luck and best of times to you!!
You do live the life, your a lucky man! I'll follow along, wishing it was me...
Spot shows Alan up on Wollaston Lake already. There was a Rainfall Warning for that area all day so it must have been an interesting ride today for him and Sadie.
Alan not only can paddle, he can DRIVE !
He's making great time, driving in Canada !
Our speed limits tend to be lower than some States, so lets just hope he spent time behind the wheel without speeding, since we don't promote illegal activity here do we?
Does anybody have any weather reports for the Wollaston Lake area ?
This is likely the closest for the NW Manitoba part of the trip... http://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/mb-53_metric_e.html

There is nothing close in Nunavit and even that area of Sask and Manitoba is devoid of humans other than some mining camps. There could be wildlife that has never seen a human being in it's lifetime, it is that isolated.

Likely the biggest issue for Alan on the big lakes is wind and yesterday it was NW 20 gusting to 40kph.