• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Wollaston Lake to Goose Lake (Nunavut Border) and back

I wonder if you will continue working on it. Sort of the way you returned immediately to the feverish building of another boat. Oh that is rich. Fleshing out whatever it is you are trying to do. Trying to say. Because certainly it is there, waiting, hiding, lurking somewhere between the far North and the telling of this tale. Certainly we all need to hear it said.

Thanks for the read.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

Thank you for the well thought out and kind review.

Someday I hope to do further work on my stories. I've got a few squirreled away. Some I'm happier with than others but they could all stand to be touched up quite a bit. My dad is good at going back over his writings and spends considerable time editing them. I, on the other hand, tend to forget about them once they're out of my head. But I keep hoping that someday I'll start going through them again.

Heard it was a Packed house in Estherville for your talk Alan !
Hoping for a repeat performance at Canoesport's Expo in Feb ! !!!!

Heard it was a Packed house in Estherville for your talk Alan !
Hoping for a repeat performance at Canoesport's Expo in Feb ! !!!!


Yes, surprising turnout. Just shy of 100 people. Thanks for thinking of me but I'll be gone to Arizona for the first half of February and after I get done with the other 1 or 2 talks I have lined up I think I'm going to be all talked out. I enjoy doing one now and again but it's not something I want to make a habit of.

Yes, surprising turnout. Just shy of 100 people. Thanks for thinking of me but I'll be gone to Arizona for the first half of February and after I get done with the other 1 or 2 talks I have lined up I think I'm going to be all talked out. I enjoy doing one now and again but it's not something I want to make a habit of.

Would that there were a video of that talk.

I’m hoping that when the trip travel and travails are finished you will do a gear review; what worked, what didn’t and what you would modify, augment or replace.

Still crickets.

Come on Alan, don’t make us wait until you are back from Arizona for a gear analysis. I know you must already be incorporating changes to gear choices and boat design.
I am also planning to be at the Iowa Paddlesport expo. Please let us know when you'll be presenting.

I am also planning to be at the Iowa Paddlesport expo. Please let us know when you'll be presenting.

I'll be out of town during the expo so I won't be presenting.

Are you from Iowa as well?

Still crickets.

Come on Alan, don’t make us wait until you are back from Arizona for a gear analysis. I know you must already be incorporating changes to gear choices and boat design.

The other night I wrote up a much too wordy gear review and wasn't happy with how it came out. Still formulating version 2. Unfortunately I can no longer blame the weather so will have to come up with a new scapegoat.

The other night I wrote up a much too wordy gear review and wasn't happy with how it came out. Still formulating version 2. Unfortunately I can no longer blame the weather so will have to come up with a new scapegoat.

Alan, your writing is so readable and informative that I think you have an excuse for wanting any gear review done right. And I can appreciate not wanting to appear to diss any shortcoming found in niche market manufactured gear, broken paddles or billowy tarps, especially when subjected to a longer trip in more daunting conditions than most paddlers ever undertake.

But your thoughts on tent, tarp, clothing, footwear, paddles. . . . .stove, food, spray covers, sail. . . . hull design and construction, etc would be valuable to those of us who undertake more moderate trips. Especially what you would replace, improve, augment or modify for future trips.
I only started reading canoetripping.net a few weeks ago, and I'm very glad someone bumped this thread or I wouldn't have seen it. I know many have already said this, but wow, what a fantastic trip and trip report!

Still no idea what's going on with the apostrophes. I tried writing in Helvetica tonight but no change. Interestingly enough when I paste the text to canoetripping the apostrophes are there. When I preview the post the apostrophes are there. When I finally hit the "post reply" button they suddenly disappear. So then I have to edit the post to put them back. Oh well, only a few more chapters to go then I won't have to worry about it anymore.

Did you ever figure this out? If not, I expect what's going on is that the program you're using to compose is introducing a non-standard (i.e., not ASCII #39) character for the apostrophe, perhaps to make it curved, like a closing single quote. That special character might display in your browser when you paste the text into the post, but when it actually goes into the forum database it gets converted to something else. There should be an option to use a plain old regular apostrophe. In Microsoft Word, that would be File | Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect Options | Replace as you type straight quotes with smart quotes. I hate those so-called smart quotes, they're always causing trouble. Sorry for the geekdom in the wilderness...
Just curious if you might know the Brodigan brothers ?
Randy, I believe lives in Dyersville.

Did you ever figure this out? If not, I expect what's going on is that the program you're using to compose is introducing a non-standard (i.e., not ASCII #39) character for the apostrophe, perhaps to make it curved, like a closing single quote. That special character might display in your browser when you paste the text into the post, but when it actually goes into the forum database it gets converted to something else. There should be an option to use a plain old regular apostrophe. In Microsoft Word, that would be File | Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect Options | Replace as you type straight quotes with smart quotes. I hate those so-called smart quotes, they're always causing trouble. Sorry for the geekdom in the wilderness...

You may be correct about that. The software was using a curved apostrophe.

When I'd paste the text into canoetripping the apostrophe would be present. When I'd "preview" the post the apostrophe would be present. When I'd actually hit the "post reply" button it would be gone.

To add to the frustration I'd re-open the post in order to edit it by adding the now gone apostrophe. When I'd hit "post" again suddenly both apostrophes would be present. Open to edit again and then only one would show up. I finally just gave up and left them as-is.

Let’s see how this works. Pasted directly from Journler like I had been doing with the trip report.

Let's see what happens after I turn off "smart quotes"

That seemed to be the fix! Apostrophe was removed in the first sentence but left intact in the second after I turned off smart quotes. Thanks.

That seemed to be the fix! Apostrophe was removed in the first sentence but left intact in the second after I turned off smart quotes. Thanks.


Great. Computing is a lot like bushcraft, the old-school stuff always works, whereas the "smart" stuff is hit or miss.

Keep writing!
Just curious if you might know the Brodigan brothers ?
Randy, I believe lives in Dyersville.



No, we just moved to Dyersville about three years ago and don't know everyone.

Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I'd just like to say that this post is what made me fall in love with this site. My ship was underway for a month in July, and it was during that time that I discovered this post and ate it up like candy. Truly changes perspective on a lot of stuff. Thanks for a great trip report Alan, you've provided a small taste of freedom to a guy who doesn't see a lot of freedom.
Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I'd just like to say that this post is what made me fall in love with this site. My ship was underway for a month in July, and it was during that time that I discovered this post and ate it up like candy. Truly changes perspective on a lot of stuff. Thanks for a great trip report Alan, you've provided a small taste of freedom to a guy who doesn't see a lot of freedom.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know. Take care.

What a fantastic trip from the first word and the first photo you had me spell-bound. I like that sharp looking canoe! A long drive but truly worth it. I only drink water on trips and I'm a bit of an introvert, I'm afraid I would have done just as you did, turned down the drink and regretted it in hindsight. I've really enjoyed past posts of yours seeing how well-organized you are and how you pack your food for these big trips. 41-days of food into one barrel. You're my super hero. Our last family trip I packed food for 3 people/9 days and it along with the cook-set/dishes fully consumed the entire barrel and I had to empty the barrel and repack 3 times to get all to fit.
Very nice, Alan. Loved your images. I am new to this site, and was wondering how you upload these larger images. When I click on the upload, only small images come across.

Thanks, PaddlinPitt, glad you liked it. I store my images on Flickr and then link to them on canoetripping. Flickr gives a code to post into the forum post so it's pretty easy.
