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Leaving tonight - SPOT tracking page

He is welcome to stay with us near Steinbach. Alan has my number and we have a nice dog friendly yard and a playmate for Sadie. If he makes it down here by Sunday he can come portage clearing with GearFreak and me!

I'm sure the folks at the border get to deal with this all the time. The smaller crossings down by us never very busy and they may welcome a bit of excitement!
Roy now, My first question is, is he moving, is his car working and is he heading South?
Tickled to hear his dog made it through, was worried about her.

Roy, glad to hear that Alan and Sadie are out and safe. The dog health and well being worried me more than the human part.

The next time someone has contact with Alan perhaps Alan could resume pinging his SPOT each evening, and soon after he crosses the border, so you (and we) knew where he was. I believe that the SPOT can also be set to automatically ping the location at timed intervals, every hour or etc.

Vicariously making this trip with Alan hearing about the car break-in actually made me a little nauseous. I try not to think about my vehicle when I am away on a long trip, but as I get close on the last day I can’t help but dwell.
Thank you all for your offers of hospitality. Alan's mother is taking the day off work to try to put this right. Did hear Alan's message and he does state he is on the road and moving. Heard from a a couple of people who believe he can get back in without a passport. His mother is working on official confirmation of that. thanks again, will keep you posted. Have to get back to work on all those cars I had him scheduled to do today.(-:
That really sucks (to be blunt) I always assume my vehicle will be broken into if I am in some of our portage areas and am thankful when its not. I have helped other tape up windows after a long weekend (and they left the vehicle unlocked). Some localities are worse than others.

Many offers already and I am sure the consulate deals with these matters and it hopefully is only a day or so delay before one comes from Calgary to Winnipeg.

I think he is probably done clearing portages but if he has to sit tight not a bad way to spend some time - and maybe Sadie can make new friends.
The smaller crossings down by us never very busy and they may welcome a bit of excitement!
Some validity in that - the smaller stations are often staffed by members with more experience while Pembina is a training depot and the recruits are often evaluated and rewarded on "enthusiasm" and conduct training exercises on us unsuspecting tourists. I read that on a US Border Guard recruiting or training website some years back.
Got off the phone with Alan short time ago. Somewhere around York, wherever that is. Very excited, still has his license. Few good stories, assured me has big bunches of them, big water, big cold, lot of rain. Also some nice weather which yielded the best canoeing he has experienced. His mother is working with our Senators office on his passport issue. My hope is he can get back in without one. Thanks to everyone for your help.
His mother is working with our Senators office on his passport issue.

Roy, excellent go-to for help. Show me some constituent service!

I know folks who have resolved other passport or visa issues by contacting their representative. And yeah, it made a difference in their ballot come election time.
That really sucks (to be blunt)

Yeah, it really does. On a lot of levels. Walking up to your vehicle to see shattered glass on the ground is just the start. The stuff on the ground is nothing compared to what is inside.

From my experiences the thieves probably smashed in a window for entry. Gawd dang but those little pebbles of safety glass go everywhere, and I really doubt there was a coin-op car vacuum at the end of Wollaston Lake. Even trying to vacuum them up I was finding new shards for years, usually with my fingers when I reached beside the seat for something I dropped

Have to get back to work on all those cars I had him scheduled to do today.(-:

Roy, do you know which window? Might as well order a new one for Alan’s “Welcome back, now get to work”
Glad to hear Alan is on the road home. Can't even imagine getting to my vehicle and find it broken into after so many days out in the wilds. What is impressive but not surprising is how fast so many folks stepped up to the table with help, it just goes to show that us paddlers stick together regardless of the fact that we may not even have met. If it was my neck of the woods I would have tried to drive in to help out but NH is a bit of a haul. Thank you to Roy for keeping the rest of us peanut gallery characters in the loop, it was much appreciated on my end. Oh yes, I'm quite happy to hear Sadie is doing well, I know she'll write up a great trip report!

Yeah, it really does. On a lot of levels. Walking up to your vehicle to see shattered glass on the ground is just the start. The stuff on the ground is nothing compared to what is inside.

From my experiences the thieves probably smashed in a window for entry. Gawd dang but those little pebbles of safety glass go everywhere, and I really doubt there was a coin-op car vacuum at the end of Wollaston Lake. Even trying to vacuum them up I was finding new shards for years, usually with my fingers when I reached beside the seat for something I dropped


Came back from a backpacking trip to find the rear window smashed and the contents of the trunk gone. They had taken our clean clothes meant for the ride home and also my cd's and tapes so no music on the ride back either.

A lot of the broken glass had fallen between the body panels so the repair guy sprayed adhesive inside to stop it rattling every time I went over a bump.

Hope Alan can find some plastic to tape over the window or he will have a noisy, cold drive home. Not sure where the nearest place he could get it fixed would be.
Well, it sure could've been worse. Hopefully nobody siphoned all his gas out of his truck. Etc etc.
It's a scary moment when things go sideways; I'm sure Alan can handle adversity. Best of luck to him and best wishes to his family. As much as there are bad people out there, I'm convinced there are many many more good people ready and willing to help him out.
Godspeed and safe journey home Alan. One more chapter to your trip report.
Now all we need is for Mike M to start a thread about take-out misadventures. Hint hint.
Guess Alan made the border crossing and turned on the SPOT. Zoom in and he's on 29 heading South.
Been following Alan's adventure here and was hoping to see that he was home safe and happy before I leave for a long weekend this morning. Gah! One of my constant nagging fears. Only had it happen one time long ago, in California - thank heavens. Glad to see that it looks like he has it under control.

Congrats, Alan! I can't wait to see some TR/photos!

BTW - thanks to all who were commenting on the progress with experience and knowledge of the venue. For someone who's never been in the area, it made things more interesting.
Yah, I expect there is a tale to tell about crossing the border. Glad he pinged his SPOT for us all the see.
I always worry about the vehicle when I leave it. That really sucks, but sounds like he handled it well considering the situation. Looking forward to hearing what he has to say. I'm sure he'll spend a week on here just answering our questions.