• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

First time build - Freedom 17

Looks good!
what do you think you might do differently?

When I glassed my cruiser last March I was a bit intimidated. I did have a friend help mix epoxy while I spread it, but the first time is probably the most stressful.

You are now at the point where your patience and dedication will be tested very thoroughly...sanding the inside! Hopefully you use a vacuum while sanding, it makes a world of difference. I use the vacuum attached to the ROS and also when I
Thanks Sven,
I've already put in a few hours of sanding the interior and so far is my least favorite step of the build. I am using a vacuum and it helps considerably. I'm definitely looking forward to being done with it though! I did all the glassing by my self with no problems, but a friend would have been nice, even if just to hang out in the shop with.

A few things I'd do differently next time:
1) I used ash accent strips. I knew they would be difficult to plane/sand next to the cedar but didn't realize how difficult. It will look nice in the end, but that decision has cause me much frustration.
2) I would have turned up the heat during epoxy. I was worried about it curing too early, so kept the temp cool which lead to an uneven 3rd coat (and an unplanned 4th coat in a 95 degree garage).
3) Learned about biased cut cloth BEFORE spending an entire evening trying to get the stems glassed. What a frustrating mess!
4) Used more disposable tools during the glassing step. I spent 2 hours scrubbing and scraping my nice utility knife, trying to get it back into working order.

I'm looking forward to getting to the trim work...and REALLY looking forward to having a new boat to paddle this spring!
You may already be done with the interior, but I will post anyway. This is a pic of my Kipawa when I was set to do the interior, I found that using a set of holding jigs like this really helps with the interior cleanup. I just put it it one way and clean the bottom half ... reverse and volia.


Another tip for cleaning up the interior at the ends, I am going to try a course grit angle grinder wheel, use it like a sanding board.

Looks Great Adam !

I would have sanded the exterior, before I took the hull off the forms. That would give the epoxy more time to get to Full cure, and be more rigid.

Sanding ! The curse of strip building !

Glassing should be easier now that you have some experience !

Don't rush because of Spring ! Get it right !

Pat yourself on the back !

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Looking good!! Sanding the inside is every strip builders bane...I use an old pair of ski goggles to keep the sanding dust out of my eyes, and a real respirator (3M) to keep my lungs clear. Oh, and a set of headphones to block the noise.

Too bad you didn't catch the trick of bias cut strips for the stems, at least you know now. I can't tell you how many lessons I've learned along the way, everyone has their learning curve.
It's pretty cool to see your hull off the forms, isn't it? Just wait til it's on the water, it's quite the head trip at first.
Thanks for the tips and encouragement, everyone! My plan is to finish up filling and sanding the interior over the next few evenings and glass this Sunday.

PS - I do have all the proper safety equipment necessary for sanding (that includes a pair of awesome radio earmuffs that I received as a Christmas gift).
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Grats on your build, still a bit to go ... but the end is in sight.

The Freedom 17 is a great boat and I am sure you will love yours as much as I love mine.

Sweet !
It's SOO hard to wait to get that first canoe in the water !!
But it will be worth it !

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I'm pretty happy with it so far!
I already have one BWCA trip booked for August, maybe I can get in a few this summer!
I'm finally finished with my Freedom 17!
She weighs in at 60lbs (5-10 lbs over what the plans estimate), and handles very nicely on the water. Her inaugural launch was on the Mississippi River near my house. Thanks, everyone on the forum for all the advice, kind words and encouragement.

She's BWCA bound in August!


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