Alan, I thought of a couple of improvements for your fabric storage setup. Measurement marks on the table to make it easy to pull the correct amount off the role . And an outfeed reel, that way the fabric can be brought over and rolled onto the boat while crease free and without dragging on the floor.
Nice ! I see a couple of empty bars ! Must be saving them for some Innegra, and vacuum bagging stuff !?
Nice simple locking system also.
Just picked up this canoe today. Guy said it was an "Allagash" (17'2"), I weighed it, UGH, 77lbs, might be Polylink? It's a V bottom. hull is in good shape except for strange looking skid plates and an interior patch in one end, nice babiche seats, needs new inwales/gunnels and decks and one thwart.
Just picked up this canoe today. Guy said it was an "Allagash" (17'2"), I weighed it, UGH, 77lbs, might be Polylink? It's a V bottom. hull is in good shape except for strange looking skid plates and an interior patch in one end, nice babiche seats, needs new inwales/gunnels and decks and one thwart.
Good winter project.