New LED Lights really brightened the place up. Thanks to Amazon these puppies only cost $34 each + radio reception. Remind me to report the manufacturer to the FCC later.
This surprises me. A year ago, I converted all of my shop lighting to LED's. I retrofitted ballasted fluorescent fixtures with direct wire T8 replacement tubes. Besides saving 675 watts and having a brighter shop, I can now listen to AM radio, something I could not do with the old fluorescent lighting.
Your green walls remind me of the hall tiles in my elementary school, a color I've come to call institution green. My opinion of it would depend on the teacher I had in any given year. Mr. Baron's fifth grade in the 1968 school year were about the only pleasant memoires I recall from the building, so I guess I would have to repaint your walls.
I once bought a truckload of random logs from a logger that was sold as firewood. Much of it seemed too good for the stove and a friend with a mill turned it into lumber. Stickered in my garage for several years, I like to brag that most of the furniture in our house was made from firewood.