I want to thank everyone for their input on my thread asking about large solo. I had pretty much decided on the Green Valley Boat Works Raven by Jon Winters and your combined input clinched the decision. I really liked the idea of of electronic files to be able to have the forms cut and I knew that our local high school has a CNC router.

I picked up the CNC routed forms from my local high school shop. It took about 10 minutes to cut the forms (the rest of the way) out. This was by far the fastest I'd ever gotten forms out; EVER.

I had prepped the inner and outer stems from clear white cedar that I had purchased for an Old Town guide re-build but I decided it was too far gone (it needed 26 ribs replaced). The up shot is that I'm finding a really good use for the traditional canoe building wood.
After seeing a number of people on this forum using a wallpaper steamer (instead of my camp stove, my wife's ruined lobster pot and a piece of stove pipe). I got a new steamers set up. The grey PVC was just big enough to get the stem stock inside.

Fifteen minutes of steaming and the wood bent sooo easily!
I set up my dehumidifier to help with the drying process. I've the building fever so waiting a couple of days before I can glue the stems up is going to be very difficult. Has anyone used Gorilla polyurethane glue the day after steaming?
I'll be setting up the forms tomorrow. We are having a storm day so I don't have to go into school

I picked up the CNC routed forms from my local high school shop. It took about 10 minutes to cut the forms (the rest of the way) out. This was by far the fastest I'd ever gotten forms out; EVER.

I had prepped the inner and outer stems from clear white cedar that I had purchased for an Old Town guide re-build but I decided it was too far gone (it needed 26 ribs replaced). The up shot is that I'm finding a really good use for the traditional canoe building wood.
After seeing a number of people on this forum using a wallpaper steamer (instead of my camp stove, my wife's ruined lobster pot and a piece of stove pipe). I got a new steamers set up. The grey PVC was just big enough to get the stem stock inside.

Fifteen minutes of steaming and the wood bent sooo easily!

I set up my dehumidifier to help with the drying process. I've the building fever so waiting a couple of days before I can glue the stems up is going to be very difficult. Has anyone used Gorilla polyurethane glue the day after steaming?
I'll be setting up the forms tomorrow. We are having a storm day so I don't have to go into school

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