Putting foam on top of the seat will raise it and could make it more unstable.
Putting foam on top of the seat will raise it and could make it more unstable.
If by tiny you mean thin then that's OK as long as it provides comfort. If you have a small hole in the cane keep in mind that it can become a large hole real quick and than ask if that thin or tiny piece of foam will cut it.
One could always kneel in front of the seat with the hole, with one’s butt leaning up against the seat. It’s pretty comfortable, especially for only ten minutes. One could also buy or borrow some knee pads, the kind used by flooring people.
Perhaps we are over-analyzing for a 10-minute flatwater paddle. Just go and see what happens. You will be ok.
This has always been my experience.I did feel like it tracks better for me paddling from the stern than amidships.
This has always been my experience.
Why was your trip cut short by a day, Chansta?
Very disappointing, Chansta!!
Fantastic, Chansta! Couldn't be better!!