• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

Stir Crazy?

Well said, Lance.
The way I hold this situation in my head is that the responsible thing for me to do is limit my travel and social interactions with others as my part in hopefully reducing risk to the most vulnerable among us.
Thanks, Rick

Nancy is a lifelong Registered Nurse who for years was a nursing supervisor in high end nursing homes and retirement communities. Now, in retirement she does some low stress private care at a high end retirement community two weekends a month and some fill in times when particular residents or their families ask for her. Her workplace is severely restricting visitation and even employees are being screened outside the buildings each time they come to work. They normally serve meals in a restaurant-like dining room with wait staff but are now serving meals only on resident's rooms/apartments. One way to look at this is that the folks with the most professional expertise in reacting to contagion are hunkering down some and it likely behooves the rest of us to follow suit.

From long years of habit Nancy lives in some degree of fear of contagion getting loose there all of the time but is now even more vigilant. I expect to be doing the bulk of the shopping and other person to person stuff for the foreseeable future to limit the chances that she could inadvertently bring the virus into the facility.

On the other hand, all the schedule disruptions from the virus give us 12 days out of every two weeks to contemplate more backpacking and paddling trips we ever thought we would pack into the spring months.

Best wishes to all,

My daughters significant others Mom is an MD in Beijing and she says the world should chill out. China has 1+billon people and 80,000 got the virus in a country where social distancing is almost impossible and now they have very few new cases.
My daughters significant others Mom is an MD in Beijing and she says the world should chill out. China has 1+billon people and 80,000 got the virus in a country where social distancing is almost impossible and now they have very few new cases.

Well social gatherings are just about impossible. Everything is closing. Save the grocery stores and pharmacies. And it is still chilly below freezing with snow tomorrow. Its not fear ; its just that I am not travelling to places where there are no services right now.
Death Valley next week was swopped out for a jaunt with boats across the Trans Labrador Highway in June. Yes. Yes. WIth bug jackets and bug defense ( the bug tent). Going to spend two months in Newfoundland. ( one of my happy places)
Sorry you had to postpone your DV trip. Have always thought it would be a fun place to visit in the spring. Hopefully, when you do make it out, they'll experience one of those super wildflower events.

Give your grandma a hug for making dinner.
Give grandpa a hug just because

Maybe offer Granny a soulful Namaste, and elbow bump Gramps, while keeping your distance.

For folks you don’t like, cough into your palm and offer them a hearty handshake.
and elbow bump Gramps,

The elbow bump....who came up with that crazy idea? We've all been trained to cough into our elbows. So imagine two people putting their face into their elbow, coughing, doing an elbow bump, and then putting their faces back in their elbow to cough some more. Seems like a tailor made way to spread disease. With everyone washing their hands and using the heck out of hand sanitizer a fist bump is probably cleaner.

Head nod. Wave. Verbally say "hi". Smile.....All of those are perfectly acceptable forms of greeting with no physical contact.

Of course I feel the same way about casual physical contact even when everyone is healthy with no looming threat of mass infection. Not for reasons of hygiene but just because I'm not always real great at expressing my emotions or being close with people. I'm looking forward to our upcoming family Easter when I can finally, hopefully, not hug or get hugged.

Sorry you had to postpone your DV trip. Have always thought it would be a fun place to visit in the spring. Hopefully, when you do make it out, they'll experience one of those super wildflower events.


Part of our travel involves eating out too. Now here restaurants are take out only and tomorrow every business where people gather in Portland is closed. No St Paddy Day at Ri Ra I really don't want to be elsewhere after driving 3000 miles to CA to find we are shut out. I am mapping out Newfoundland travels now. Even though the food is basically jiggs dinner, root veggies and cod and fish so not real exciting. However I do like cod tongues. Done wrong( me) they look and taste like aspic. Done well ( by a Newfie) they are delicious and crisp.. Then there are toutons which are ok meh. Forget the screech and your stomach will thank you. Pease pudding is ok with eyes closed and a dirty feed quite lovely

Bakeapple jam is sold roadside and I ran out some time ago.. Quite an outing to collect the berries on your own. They grow in boggy areas so boots are required. We found this out on Race Point
Partridgeberry requires too much sugar and I would have to cook at home. But raw veg and fruits are not allowed to leave the island. You get your vehicle washed in a sanitizer before boarding the exit ferry.


Scrunchions belong on EVERYTHING.. Just plain EVERYTHING.

We have stayed in Dildo before and gotten Purity Candy there. Peppermint Nobs are good but the Climax Mixture the best around a campfire at Dildo Run( excellent canoeing there too)
Hubby likes those
He hates the cooked carrot. Cooked carrot seems to come with every meal.
We live in mid coast Maine and after lunch decided to take a walk across the field and down a wooded hill to the St George river across from our house. After two days of rain and temps in the twenty’s at night it was nice to have some sun and get out. Temp was 35° with a wind about 5~10 mph. It was good to stretch out a bit form the work I was doing. But dang! We get to the shore and I had 3 ticks on me and my wife had two. Come on already. It’s 35° it’s March. I got Anaplasmosis last year from those little buggers I surely don’t want that and the virus too, I don’t think I could tell them apart. I hate those little buggers.
ok rant over.
We live in mid coast Maine and after lunch decided to take a walk across the field and down a wooded hill to the St George river across from our house. After two days of rain and temps in the twenty’s at night it was nice to have some sun and get out. Temp was 35° with a wind about 5~10 mph. It was good to stretch out a bit form the work I was doing. But dang! We get to the shore and I had 3 ticks on me and my wife had two. Come on already. It’s 35° it’s March. I got Anaplasmosis last year from those little buggers I surely don’t want that and the virus too, I don’t think I could tell them apart. I hate those little buggers.
ok rant over.

Yah they are out. The next lake over has a FB group and everyone wandering in grass or the yard has ticks. Tis the season for socks over pants. Thanks for reminding me. We are going on a hike tomorrow before trying to shop Mon and shoveling snow Tues.
I am starting to lose it - NY goes into a "Pause" tomorrow, meaning we have to stay local. My preferred destination, the Adirondacks, is 3+ hours away, so it looks like spring trips there are out. I already cancelled an overnighter in the NJ pine barrens because the campgrounds are closed. We are being asked to not camp on the sections of the AT I like and they are not local anyway. It doesn't seem like there is any option but the backyard for now, but that rules out any canoeing...
Before hysteria broke out, I had started a project to install a built-in office in a small room at my daughter's house. It is, like all my projects, taking way longer than I think it should have, but, I no longer care. Since almost all of life is canceled, I have the time. I do want it to get done, though, since they need that office in these stay-home times. So, that project is keeping me busy.

I regularly try to escape my sedentary existence. Walking 2-miles to the local pub was often a method for escaping sedentary. Now, they've closed the pub. I could still go walk, but, what's the point? I've taken a few bike rides. That's probably going to be my main escape, at least until the water warms up and I start kayaking. And, there's canoeing, an almost perfect way to get outside and maintain social distance.

A buddy and I try to get out in the canoe a few times a month. In the Tripper, we are sitting 7 or 8 feet apart. We got out Friday, but haven't mastered shuttling with 6' social distance. I wanted to just do an out and back paddle, to avoid shuttling. But, we did shuttle, windows down and trying to direct our spittle outside. So we did a downriver run, kept our distance from each other, and I was feeling socially responsible.

We saw far more people along the river than usual. Mostly people fishing (often in groups and sitting demasiado cerca) and a few just out walking. When we arrived at the take out, a party of 7 millenials had just walked down to the river. When they saw us, they came out onto the floating dock, sinking one end. They wanted to grab the boat and help us debark, offering extended hands. I was horrified and stayed seated in the canoe, thinking, "eek, eek, get away! stand back! give us space." My friend hopped out and started chatting, and pretty quick the others were leaving. I was impressed by this group's total lack of attention to distancing. First off, they were out walking around in a group, and secondly they rushed into contact distance with strangers. Are they not paying attention?
I joined a gym in January to get in shape for serious tripping this spring. Lost 7 lbs, put on some great muscle. I hate to think all that effort went to waste as I sit around waiting for the next meal.

Walking the dogs and doing push-ups just isn't enough to maintain along with home chores. Finally got my man cave painted yesterday. I might put some workout equipment there when I get the flooring done.
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Went for a short paddle on the Potomac River in Maryland with my daughter (who is staying with us during the pandemic). We joined up with 10 others from a local paddling club, some in kayaks (I know, mixed company ;)) some in canoes. We kept our social distance from the other folks. Good to get out!!