Thanks for this TR, @SilentWilderness .
I had about written off the idea of Bowron after covid (among other things) killed some of my big trip plans. But your thread here is relighting that fire. Health permitting, I just might get to it after all.
Thanks for this TR, @SilentWilderness .
I had about written off the idea of Bowron after covid (among other things) killed some of my big trip plans. But your thread here is relighting that fire. Health permitting, I just might get to it after all.
This is a great trip report of a gorgeous place, SilentWilderness. Thank you for taking the time to put it together and for including so many pictures. It's now on my bucket list!
Here is another well-done Bowron report by Explore the Backcountry explorers Brad and Leah Jennings.