• Happy Willie Mays' Circus Catch of Vic Wertz (1954)!

Miscellaneous Ramblings From My 13,500 Mile North American Tour

Hello all,

Going top shelf this time!

Just rented a 12 person passenger van for September 1st through September 30th, 2025 for $1899 all in with no restrictions on travelling in Canada. Gonna strap that Grumman Standard to the roof and bring the trolling motor and gen.

I was checking other sites to find a better deal but it is too early for some - can't be over a year. Now the mileage is gonna suck, but it is about $1000 less then the mini van, so what the heck. Compared the the mini van this will be palatial. And, I can sit straight up on the inside in my camp chair. Chick already has plans for screens/shades using magnets. And and an extra spare will be purchased at the junkyard and used tire guys. I'll still use my elevated milk crate platform for sleeping, and the extra spare, shovel, cables, extra freeze dried meals and dirty clothing will be stowed below. Only going for a month this time - this ones all about Newfoundland and Labrador. Looks like the temps will be similar to what I just experienced.

Plenty of planning still to do, and I can watch rental companies for a better deal if it comes up.

NOTE - for those of you will an AmEx card, you do get some extra protections as a benefit when travelling. Some can be very helpful, but in order to take full advantage of these you must reserve and pay for your car with the Am Ex. If you reserve with a Visa, and pay with the AmEx, no bennies available. I have never had this happen to me so have not needed them but have heard this quite a bit over the working years.

So here we go again - later on I'll start a new thread on fishing questions and cool stuff to see. Love your scenic drives - if you have not driven that Icefield's Parkway you HAVE to before you die. It might well be the most stunning place in North America, and right up there in the world.

Thank you for the input so far, and the outstanding descriptions (you know who you are!) for the next round!
AmEx we have and do not use in Canada as they charge a foreign transaction fee
I lnow there are a zillion kinds of Amex cards so just check
We have Visa and no foreign transaction charge
The Icefields Pkwy is nice but the glaciers in 1867 were lower and it was nicer
Those tour busses. gah
Did you go to Salmon Glacier?