• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

Stir Crazy?

Sad to say Chip but I don’t think they are paying attention. We were invited to a dinner party a couple of weeks ago (the dinner was last night) at first we accepted ‘cause it was a couple of weeks ago. Last Wednesday we begged out but the dinner went on none the less. We are in our 60’s and the hosts are high 70’ and low 80’s . Their belief is that they don’t need to worry because there are no reported cases in Knox county. The problem with that is this is Maine with many summer homes and people from out of state are escaping the more populated city’s with more virus to come here. I really can’t fault them I might consider the same thing in there place. But we heard on the news last night that there are people in Knox county with the virus it is just that they are counted as ill where they are from, not where they are located at the moment. So you never know.
This one hurts:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all locations of the Baltimore County Library will be closed through March 29. Bookdrops are closed and fines will not be incurred. All programs and mobile services will be closed through May 3.

March 29 is beyond wishful thinking. Best epidemiologist guesses put the peak in the US at least weeks away. I wouldn’t count on public schools reopening before fall. Just in time for the 2020/2021 reoccurrence. Folks who homeschooled their kids may be sitting on an E-bay goldmine of 3[SUP]rd[/SUP], 4[SUP]th[/SUP], 5[SUP]th[/SUP] grade materials and tests from homeschooling vendors. I bet those homeschooling companies are going gangbusters.

I was creeping up the waitlist on a couple new books. Guess not. That Kindle thing is starting to look better; my wife can still borrow E-books from the library and download them on her Kindle.

Luckily one of the last (or a while) library books was worth a re-read. Evan Mawdsley’s The War for the Seas; a Maritime History of World War II.


Luckier still there is a stack of a half dozen used books from Amazon, as yet unread on the bedside table, most of them recommendations from the “What are you reading?” thread.
Here on the Front Range, weather has been sunny and warm 50s for the last few weeks. With the exception of a 10” snow that melted quick. The ice is beginning to open on Manitou, and we go out every day to run the dog and hike a few miles. Geese, mallard and Great Blue Herons are back. Have not seen or heard a kingfisher, but saw a mountain bluebird today.

As for being in lock down, I think the key is to have a routine. My wife gets up early and works out at home, then reads a bit. I get up around 0730 and have coffee, watch the stock market in MY open and watch some news. Then we have breakfast together. After that, I go lift weights in the garage and she goes to the office and works. I’ll work on a project in the garage or yard until lunch, then we go for our daily hike. After that, Wendy our own projects until dinner, then it’s time to watch a movie or share something we read or a current event. We call a few family members, then it’s bedtime.

ive been reading a lot on dog training, getting ready for a new pup this spring. I’ve also probably watched every episode of The Flush on YouTube, planning everywhere I’m going to hunt with my new pup.
Yesterday a lady I never met came over and brushed my horses for an hour. Seems her barn where her horse is is on lock down so she asked on a Facebook group we both belong to spend some time with anyones horses. She was nice, the horses liked her and they need to met new folks so it was a win win. She will be visiting them on a regular basis till this is over.

Today my farrier came over and trimmed one of my horses rear feet, so we where able to maintain that 6' safe distance. I held the head end while she worked the back end.
I took a walk 2 blocks down to the post office today, and stood in line waiting for my turn to stand behind the taped yellow line on the floor; exchanging big smiles and small waves with the post office lady beaming behind the plexiglass. She's a neighbour and our daughters are friends. When it was my turn I found out the address I'd used was no longer valid. An address as old as the farmhouse it belonged to is no longer valid. How about that. That made me somewhat sad reflecting on how a venerable old property on a winding old road that hasn't so much as moved in over a century is now out of place with our new fangled post office progress and promise. How about that. I wanted to explain that the mail driver in that valley actually knows everyone quite well; I could've scribbled just the family name after the rural route tag and the parcel would've been delivered no problem. That's what happens when you know your neighbours, but there was no sense confusing things. She was just doing her job and I respect and appreciate that. I thanked her and took my parcel for a walk back home. I'll fix the address thing tomorrow. No sweat.
On my way I passed a little girl and her mom playing in their front yard. I introduced myself. "Hello neighbour. My wife and I live across the street there. My name's Brad and my wife is Miranda. Sorry we haven't had the chance to talk till now. You've been moved in for 2 years now. Time flies." She introduced her and her daughter and that's when the girl just took off. I was told all about her dog (Hershey) her cat (Juliet) her name (Ella) her favourite colour (blue) her favourite shoes (white ones my mom won't let me wear them outdoors)...I wasn't quite sure if she'd ever come up for air but she finally did. That's when I got a word in edgewise telling her "I like your chalk art." Her and her mom had spelled out STAY HOME on the driveway. I grinned and hoped the message wasn't personally aimed at me; besides, how would I ever get this package mailed to that old farmhouse? She held up her hands to show me her chalky blue hands. I complimented her on everything she favoured and shared and especially her hands, and told her mom that if they ever get low on chalk supplies just come on over and knock on our door. Leave a note in the mailbox, I'll leave some chalk on the back porch. We always have some on hand for when our own little driveway artists come visit. I pet the dog, scritched the cat and waved Bye to the new neighbours.
Back home I put the final touch to my - stir crazy prevention project. I pulled out an old canoe thwart from the toolshed rafters and lightly sanded smooth the graceful butternut, finally cutting it to size. Some appropriate spacers and screws and Voilà. The back screen door is better than new. The thwart push bar will keep the g-kids' hands off the screen from now on and remind me with every screen door slam of canoe trips past. This may be as close as I'll get to a canoe for some time so I'll just take things as they come.
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repairing the OT Guide 18.
Cooking on a fire in the backyard with a Dutch OVen.
Spending time with animals.
Camping in the backyard and looking at the PIne Nut Range.
All of Northwestern Ontario is now under a fire ban, including back yard, enclosed fires. Had my last fire of the summer probably last night. The Ministry responsible for forest fire fighting is worried because of crew shortages this summer. They are not able to train new crews right now, so they will already be short staffed. I fully expect it to last the summer............oh well, probably won't drink as much, there is a silver lining to every cloud.
Mem, and this is why I miss my Scouting days, no matter the weather I could always pull out the faux campfire some long ago leader built, with it's red orange and yellow "candelight bulbs" old theatre lighting gels, and little computer fan- if you looked at it just right, it actually looked pretty good. When I retired, I passed it on to the next generation.
Battle Royale

I’ve been taking my morning coffee outside on good days. For the past few days, I’ve watched the battle of The Cardinals & The Blue Jays. The Cardinals have a nest in a Spruce tree and The Blue Jays want the eggs.
The Jays swoop in and the Cards go on defense and so far have driven off the Jays attacks. Every once in awhile the Cards counter attack driving the Jays into the shrubberies, which is matched by a Flanking move of a flock of Finches flying from their fortified nests in our solar array in support of the Cards. You want to root for the Cardinals in the defense of their offspring but I also like Blue Jays. It’s not good to interfere with nature, except in our current situation. We need to fight the nature of this virus from running its course.


Stay home and find the special things around your house.
Battle Royale


Stay home and find the special things around your house.

I've been doing just that for the past I don't know how many weeks. Not stir crazy yet. Might suggest I've always been closer to crazy at the best of times, I don't know. I did manage to "deep clean" the BBQ. Turns out there was more shiny chromy parts than I realized? I'd just gotten used to the black. It's been a year since we last used it. I scoured most of the rust off the cast iron grills and finished them off with a soak overnight in white vinegar and salt. Rinsed and oiled and ready to go. And my garden and work sheds have never been tidier. That's a bonus. Built two trellis' for the scarlet runner beans, which are poking up through the potting mix indoors under the front window as I speak. I'll be seeding another tray today. Big plans, ha. Big plans in a small world. I've been a trifle naive thinking I'd get to fulfilling some slow travel plans this year. The powers that be are pushing back more vigorously every week asking, suggesting, now demanding people stay home. I will comply. My world is in ever decreasing concentric circles of my back door. I putter in the yard, wave at the neighbours, sit in the sun with my wife as she comes out of her small big world in the kitchen (her chosen world) sipping our cups of tea. Living life large is a relative term it seems. Having to slow our lives down has it's positives.
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I'm staying home, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to fit my 17' canoe in my 5' bathtub not to mention the brown trout in the toilet aren't in season....