Got absolutely no work done on the boat today and probably won't tomorrow either. But I did get it out for a test paddle this morning!

20150404_002 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
Temporary seat and thwarts:

20150404_003 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
So far I'm very happy with it. Primary stability, at least when unloaded, feels just how I like it: a little loose but not squirelly and secondary feels very firm. Seems to be a good mix of tracking and maneuverability and it responded nicely to turning strokes and side slipping. Tried moving the seat forward and backward and the best spot seems to be right where the computer said it should be with the front edge of the seat about 3" behind station #8.
After paddling it solo for a while it was time to load up the dog to get her impressions:

20150404_004 by Alan Gage, on Flickr

20150404_005 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
She seems to approve.
Boat still handled well with the extra ~45 pounds of weight (28 for dog and 15 or so in the water bag placed in the stern for ballast). This is still about 100 pounds shy of the expected tripping load but that test will have to wait until the boat is finished.
I started with 8" of foam under the seat and while it felt a bit tender it was doable. Probably too high for sitting in dicey conditions. Dropped the foam thickness down to 6.5" towards the end and that felt very stable. I'll probably shoot for 7".
I stood up for a while as we were returning to shore and, while it is feels a bit tender, it's predictable and I didn't feel uncomfortable.
At this point I'm a very happy boy and am a bit more enthused about finishing it off so I can do some real paddling with it!

20150404_002 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
Temporary seat and thwarts:

20150404_003 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
So far I'm very happy with it. Primary stability, at least when unloaded, feels just how I like it: a little loose but not squirelly and secondary feels very firm. Seems to be a good mix of tracking and maneuverability and it responded nicely to turning strokes and side slipping. Tried moving the seat forward and backward and the best spot seems to be right where the computer said it should be with the front edge of the seat about 3" behind station #8.
After paddling it solo for a while it was time to load up the dog to get her impressions:

20150404_004 by Alan Gage, on Flickr

20150404_005 by Alan Gage, on Flickr
She seems to approve.
Boat still handled well with the extra ~45 pounds of weight (28 for dog and 15 or so in the water bag placed in the stern for ballast). This is still about 100 pounds shy of the expected tripping load but that test will have to wait until the boat is finished.
I started with 8" of foam under the seat and while it felt a bit tender it was doable. Probably too high for sitting in dicey conditions. Dropped the foam thickness down to 6.5" towards the end and that felt very stable. I'll probably shoot for 7".
I stood up for a while as we were returning to shore and, while it is feels a bit tender, it's predictable and I didn't feel uncomfortable.
At this point I'm a very happy boy and am a bit more enthused about finishing it off so I can do some real paddling with it!
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