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Solitude / Wilderness

Feb 21, 2023
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United States
Hey guys,

What canoe destinations would you put on this list with a wilderness / solitude feel in either the U.S. or southern-ish Canada that can be driven to and paddled as loops or out and backs?

I like having the freedom to not have to reserve specific campsites or stay in designated sites. I’d say that’s a requirement for me. Would not mind going several days without seeing anyone or the whole trip for that matter. Don’t mind permits. Undeveloped / untouched at least in a sense of the place. Others using motors would be a drawback. Would Quetico be too busy / not be what I’m looking for? Big commitment to get to any of these places. Just started researching Wabakimi but looks like lodges / cabins galore to me on the map. Obviously this all limits things. Curious how many destinations I’d have to check out that might fit the bill.
It would be helpful if you filled out your profile so we knew where you were located.

I've never been to Wabakimi but most of the trip reports I've read involve seeing very few people, if any.

I've done Woodland Caribou a couple times and while there are fly in resorts on the lakes along the main rivers it's otherwise pretty much empty.

I've personally never been bothered by these fishermen, resorts, or cabins. They're just little 16' tiller steer fishing boats with 25hp motors. Pretty unobtrusive and not prolific.

There are countless other routes on crown land that aren't designated parks. You can search this forum for some good info on the Marshal Lake loop.

Canoe Atlas of the Little North would give you hours of fun study and planning.

Thanks Alan I’ll check out the book. Location wise I’d say I be more interested in northern U.S. or southern-ish Canada. Don’t mind driving but don’t want to have to take a float plane if that makes sense. I would say motor boats going by would probably put a damper on it for me. That could change when I’m there, just guessing however I’d say it would be a drawback to some extent.
I’d say I be more interested in northern U.S. or southern-ish Canada.

Those are pretty long countries. Knowing where you're located might get you info better suited to your location. If you're in the PNW you probably won't be interested in locations on the east coast.

How difficult of a trip are you looking for? How long of a trip? How far are you willing to travel to get there? Rivers? Lakes? Whitewater? Is fishing important?

Have you done any wilderness canoe tripping previously? What have you liked/disliked about where you've been?

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You can also look through the Canadian trip reports sub-forum and probably get some ideas of what will/won't work for you:

Hey Alan,

Anywhere in the northern U.S. or southern-ish Canada really, although probably not anything in salt water. I am more interested in the other factors rather than drive time there. So long as I can drive there.

Pure rivers are probably out as I’m looking for that loop or out and back. So primarily lakes with any class 1 or 2 mixed in perhaps but limited. No wilderness tripping (in a canoe) previously. But I am not looking for a best initial place or experienced place right now just places to put on the list and research for whenever they would be appropriate that meet the main criteria. Fishing of some kind preferred, yes.

Curious how big this list would be and if places like QPP are worth it considering what I’m looking for. And yep I’ve been browsing a bit but will look in the sub forum some more.
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The list is so long it's hard to even know where to start.

Personally I don't think there's anywhere in the US that would really meet your criteria so I'd concentrate on Canada.

Since drive time doesn't seem to be an issue the list of possibilities gets even longer. There's no reason to concentrate on just southern Canada. Depending on where you live (which seems to be a well guarded secret for some reason) it might be less of a drive to go straight north far into Canada where it's quite remote rather than across the entire country to somewhere less remote in southern Canada.

For what you're asking now there are literally thousands of trips available. Just grab a map and start looking and researching. That's how many of us spend time in the winter.

My personal recommendation, since you don't have any previous canoe tripping experience, is to just go. Go somewhere. Go anywhere. Just get your feet wet and learn what you do/don't like about that area or tripping in general. Then, for your next trip, you'll be better able to plan.

Thanks Alan, I was leaning Canada for sure, thanks for confirming my suspicions. I have done multiple trips to these types of areas in southern Canada / the northern U.S. and know I like the area, just have not been in a canoe. I’m just saying my location isn’t really relevant to what I’m asking, sorry if I haven’t been clear there - I am really looking for *anywhere* in southern (to mid) Canada or the northern U.S., it does not matter to me right now how long it takes to drive there so long as it can be driven to the put-in. Hopefully that makes more sense?
That said if the list is so long you don’t even know where to start that sounds promising. :) Would QPP be a good one or should I perhaps focus elsewhere? Never been so not sure on solitude etc., although I know entry is limited.
My first trip was on a somewhat remove river in northern Minnesota. It wasn't remote but I went early in the season and did not meet any other paddlers. It showed me that it was something I really enjoyed doing and I went looking for more.

My next trip was in Woodland Caribou. I saw a handful of people over 12 days. I liked it even more.

My next trip was the Bloodvein River. I was gone for a month. I saw some fishermen and canoeists and, of course, a lot of people at the village at the river mouth on Lake Winnipeg. Despite that it felt much more remote and the vast majority of days I saw no one.

My next trip was in northern SK and into Nunavut. It lasted 43 days and I went 40 days without seeing anyone. I loved that trip too.

All of those trips were drivable.

Each trip taught me more about my personal preferences when it comes to canoe tripping and helped me choose where to go next time. I kept pushing the envelope a little at a time. Each trip was highly rewarding and enjoyable and each one made me want to push myself harder The more canoe tripping I did, and the more I learned about the area, the more I saw how many paddling opportunities there truly were. It's mind boggling.

I never would have found the more difficult and rewarding trips if I hadn't started with easier ones. And I would not have enjoyed those remote and difficult trips if I hadn't had some shorter and easier ones to build my skills and experience.

I’m just saying my location isn’t really relevant to what I’m asking,

Maybe, maybe not. There are members here from all over Canada and the US. It might me that someone knows a great location for a secluded 3 day trip that's only two hours away. Or maybe someone nearby has a canoe similar to one you're interested in that you could test paddle. Or maybe someone knows of a used one for sale.

If people know where you live they're probably more likely to give route suggestions. Proximity will help narrow down the plethora of choices.

If you're not comfortable with that then it's ok but we're a pretty small community here and it's quite often helpful to see where a person is located. No need for an exact location. Mine says NW Iowa because no one is likely to know the name of the small town.

Drive to Wallace Lake near Bissett, Manitoba and paddle into Atikaki Park. $40 yearly parking permit and no other permit or fees. No useful map to buy but searching canoe sites will provide all that. When you have exhausted the paddle in options start flying in from the air base in Bissett. Probably will not see anyone. Most use this access and then spend a month paddling north to the rivers dumping into Lake Winnepeg.
Thanks @Marten, I’ll get on that researching…appreciate it!

@Alan Gage that 43 day sounds amazing! I’m honestly not looking for necessarily a close to home place right now. For that I’m just going to be heading to the local lake and fishing for the day. I’ve been checking out QPP and have some routes planned there. I’m just concerned that if I find it personally to be crowded etc. or if it turns out to not be exactly what I am looking for that I have alternates, no matter the drive, after having invested in the pursuit to get started.
While not really sure if this is helpful, the selection of when you go can drastically reduce the number of people you may run into. Even in the Adirondacks of NYS, if you go to the St. Regis Wilderness Canoe area in the middle of the week during the shoulder seasons, you're not as likely to run into other folks. Lots of carries tends to reduce the traffic so privacy and quiet can still be found.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Hey guys,

What canoe destinations would you put on this list with a wilderness / solitude feel in either the U.S. or southern-ish Canada that can be driven to and paddled as loops or out and backs?

I like having the freedom to not have to reserve specific campsites or stay in designated sites. I’d say that’s a requirement for me. Would not mind going several days without seeing anyone or the whole trip for that matter. Don’t mind permits. Undeveloped / untouched at least in a sense of the place. Others using motors would be a drawback. Would Quetico be too busy / not be what I’m looking for? Big commitment to get to any of these places. Just started researching Wabakimi but looks like lodges / cabins galore to me on the map. Obviously this all limits things. Curious how many destinations I’d have to check out that might fit the bill.
Just did 14 days in Wabakimi last summer. Drove right up to Armstrong, took the train west for an hour and half, got out and paddled. Never saw a soul. You have an unlimited combination of trips to take there, including some that do not require portages. Others will have more detail - some live in the area. But if you want to go a place where campsites are not used for years and the pike and walleye fight to hit your lure, this is the place. Went in early June to avoid crowds. Could have gone in August and avoided crowds.
I could offer hundreds of suggestions but I'm not going on a wild goose chase.

Please comment on the following:

- Where are you located
- Portages (none, some, doesn't matter)
- How long of a trip (time/distance)
- flatwater, whitewater, some of both
- amount of previous experience
- type of boat you plan to use
Portages are ok. Length of trip - perhaps a week to 10 days or less at a medium pace and a canoe (~18.5’). Think we have pretty much covered the rest. Any other areas to check out appreciated and appreciate the leads so far.
Consider Saskatchewan, starting at Missinipe or Lac La Ronge or a variety of other places. Research Saskatchewan Documented Canoe Routes or contact Churchill River Canoe Outfitters or Montreal River Outfitters for more info. So many options and many of them drive to and from. You can increase your options by getting a vehicle shuttle from an outfitter.
Consider Saskatchewan, starting at Missinipe or Lac La Ronge or a variety of other places. Research Saskatchewan Documented Canoe Routes or contact Churchill River Canoe Outfitters or Montreal River Outfitters for more info. So many options and many of them drive to and from. You can increase your options by getting a vehicle shuttle from an outfitter.
In that vein, consider picking up a copy of "Northern Saskatchewan Canoe Trips - A guide to Fifteen Wilderness Rivers" by Laurel Archer.