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packing out garbage

Feb 13, 2014
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Planning a trip to BWCA next summer. Obviously, I'll be packing out my garbage. Question is, If I just put it in a plastic bag while I'm there, wont bears still smell it? Especially wrappers from meat. I'd think bears would smell that kind of stuff.
They would indeed! You have to keep it in a bear safe container, that yo would keep well away from your camp and down wind from it!
Food barrel are actually pretty good at keeping you smelly stuff but are not bear proof.
An other option is a bear proof container, they are a bit pricy, a bit small, but they work great.
Ya, a bear proof container sounds like the best idea. 2 of them. 1 for food, 1 for garbage. thanks
I know a guide up in the BWCA. This guide uses Ziploc bags for the garbage (rules of the wilderness area say that not even garbage is burned in the fire rings). The bags go right into the food pack which is then hung. This guide does not subscribe to the "hide it away from camp" practice.
I would say zip lock bags too, that's what I use. If I take fresh meat for early in a solo trip, it's removed from original package and wrapped in freezer wrap and frozen before the trip, then placed in a zip lock when packed. I don't take those foam boards that are under the meat from the grocery store.
All our food gets ziplocked and labeled. No original packaging comes along, just to keep things simple and as garbage free as possible. Any messy ziplock bags get a good swish of hot dish water before going into the large ziplock garbage bag. Sounds fussy I know, washing out old food bags etc, but it reduces smell and mess. I don't hang bags out of reach, and have only had the occasional nosy chipmunk to contend with so far. A large green garbage bag is reserved for other people's trash I may find. No food waste goes in that.
I too use ziplock but also burn whatever I can. The problem with burning in the backcountry is the unburned bits that people leave in the fire pit, so after burning what you can be sure to clean the fire pit of any unburnt bits of plastic or foil and pack those out with you. Nobody want to cook over a fire that is littered with who knows what.
all my breakfasts and dinners get packed in individual baggies. lunches are packed in one stuffsack. the garbage goes back in the baggie, lunch stuff gets added to the breakfast one, all go in the barrel at night in a large heavy-duty shopping bag from a clothing store.
I've never had a problem in over thirty years of tripping.
I concur with the repackaging process. Ziplocs are much less bulk to pack out and if you rinse them then the odours are negligible. I rinse cans too and anything that may have a food smell on it. We use a food barrel. Karin likes to remove it from camp and tie it to a tree. Me I like to keep it close with the pots set on top of it as an alarm. The last thing I want is to wake up to all of my food missing or ruined. I will fight for it.

I will admit to using a simple garbage bag to keep the camp garbage in. I will stuff it in the barrel some times, or not. If you follow the minimal packaging idea and rinse the rest, there should be no issues.

We never have left overs...lol... and if there is any food waste it goes in the lake when I wash up. Once you get in the habit it becomes second nature to keep your sites scrupulously clean.
