Beautiful day today, so I decided to finish the last little bits and launch.
Ready to go except for the carrying yoke.
Drilled a couple of holes and cut up an “old“ Old Town yoke to fit, hooked it on with a couple of wing nuts.
Carries nice, took it from my backyard to the lake.
Everything is still dead, but green is coming on quickly, mowed my lawn yesterday!
It’s not like the Raven. The Raven is super solid, you can do a dance in it. The Osprey is a little more responsive.
Yup, and that’s my bent shaft paddle too, that Yellowcanoe converted me too, love it, couldn’t do without it now. Canoe season has begun now. I have a ten day trip leaving on June 16 with 18 high schoolers, Irene is going with me. It will be her first extended canoe trip, I hope the bugs cooperate.
My canoes are always the subject of wood butchery, there’s lots of things on this one I rushed through, but overall, I’m happy with it and will be trying it out for extended tripping in July.