The thing I detest the most about portaging is not the walk, nor carrying the canoe (though age has me looking for much lighter gear and boat) but the lack of storage pockets for items that have to be at hand like camera, toilet paper, rain gear and an extra jacket. I now like to double portage and at the same time be organized. Double portaging I find safer and it saves my aging back, knees, ankles and energy. I would like a 2 pack system. One pack for bedding (tent, mattress, sleeping bag and extra clothing. A second, smaller bag with multiple pockets for food plus the above-mentioned toilet paper, etc. that would fit under the canoe yoke when portaging. I have been using large or small barrels on trips for food, barrel size depending on the length of the trip. I must confess that I do not like barrels. They are not space efficient and don't carry well. Wish someone made a square one. Seen this pack advertised on the net and would like to know if anyone here uses it or is familiar with them.

Built for personnel on tanks and vehicles with tracks. The MCCEB was developed to transport individual mission-essential equipment outside of a vehicle. The Cre