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Latest Shop Blunder

you're not supposed to wear gloves with a grinder if possible, there's a very high risk of the disc grapping that glove and pulling your hand in-

Perhaps someone can speak to the veracity of this, but I was taught to wear cloth gloves when working on the router table, presumably for that same anti-pull in your hand in reason.
I will wrap up loose shirt cuffs when using a table saw- had a close call once. Leather welding gloves saved me from a plasma cutter once- not canoe related... Something to be said for hand tools when feasible, not to mention my mistakes happen slower.


My seventh grade shop teacher had two table saw rules (that I remember): 1) Don't raise the blade more than 1/8" above the top surface of the material being cut. 2) Never reach beyond the blade to hold, stabilize, or pick up the cut material. I followed rule 1, but not rule 2. Result... four cut fingertips 1/8" deep. Horrifying when it happened, because in that instant it felt like all my fingertips had been cut off! I quickly grabbed a clean rag and held the injured hand tightly, then walked to the house and told my wife we needed to go to the hospital. She then, in haste, backed out of the garage, ripping off the passenger sideview mirror on the door frame, and we proceeded to the hospital.

The worst pain of all was the 2 novocaine shots in each finger successively while they were stitched up. One fingertip is a little misshapen now, but fully functional.

Moral: Follow the power tool rules!