• Grandad Dan McGrady loses Scottish Flyweight Boxing Title Match to Tancy Lee (1914) 🥊

Innegra S & H

You could be on to something here Brad.

Aha! I was just about to ask YC not to round up the villagers and their pitchforks just yet. I need a good head start. So, while I'm noncommitedly wandering to a good head start distance...I'm picturing an exterior like Icedragonmix's hull, with the interior of Robin's Chesnut. Or the exterior of Oldie's hull with the interior of Red's Tremblay. I know this sounds like Dr. Frankenstein stuff, and hey, I'm just being an Igor here, but it sounds intriguing. No? I wouldn't want to actually repair one of these, much less try to build one.
Okay, can you hear me from this distance? Now you can all start chasing me. Ready, set. Go!
Thanks for that link memaquay. I like Langfords. Hold it. Are you leading me astray? I was flirting with the high tech / traditional hybrid idea, and you're showing me cedar canoe eye candy. Have I just come full circle, or am I just chasing my tail? Am I asking too many questions? Anyway, I really like that HBC paint scheme. It might be taking a traditional (and historical) thing into the realm of yuppiedom cottage canoes...but I think I like that paint job anyway.
Merrimack. Sorry Brad you're late.. And they are a weetch to fix. They are pretty and have been around a very long time.


And Navarro....


I had one, and it was beautiful. A maintenance challenge at best - and so glad I am to have sold it before doing anything requiring a repair.

There was another... Stowe?
I just ran across this post. It was before my time here on Canoetripping.

Now that it has been a few years, and I know some here have played with it .

What are your thoughts ?

