Today marks the end of a very long era. It is finished! What a journey, and it hasn’t even seen water yet!
I ended up with 4 coats of varnish on both interior and exterior. I think she turned out pretty well. I’ll let the pics speak for me. What strikes me as it is sitting on top of my truck, is how flat the lines are from bow to stern. I really didn’t notice this as pronounced as it is. Now that it is above eye level, I really see it. No rocker what so ever.
My brother and I took it to a sheltered bay on Lake Ontario near Hamilton, called Princess Point. Here’s a link ( I hope it works) if you are interested…
Many go there for hiking, birdwatching, kayaking and of course canoeing. You would never know that a bustling city lies just minutes away.
So, how does she paddle? I was actually quite surprised at how stable it was. I read and have heard some pretty negative things about this design. They said it was quite tender in the water, and would need a fairly experienced paddler to handle it. Either I fall into that category, or maybe what I read was incorrect. Not sure, but I do know that installing the seats as low as I did would sure help that instability. I didn’t feel like testing just how cold the water was, so we didn’t push our luck too much. I still plan on taking it to friend’s pool and swamping it to see how far I can lean without dumping. I also want to see if she floats while capsized. With not having float tanks, it will be interesting to see what happens.
It’s quite quick. I have no real basis or numbers to tell me so, but there wasn’t a great deal of effort needed to get moving at a steady pace. No GPS or mile markers and timers to tell me, just a feeling.
It tracks fairly well for a shorter boat, probably due in part to the lack of rocker. We weren’t out that long, but correction strokes were minimal from my position on the bow.
It’s quiet. So nice to flow quietly across the lake. No banging, no lapping of water on the hull, nothing. Nice
It’s light. I haven’t weighed it yet, but it would surprise me if it were over 50lbs. My brother’s first remark, was “Wow, it’s a feather weight” I’ll have to steal the bathroom scale and see what the real numbers are. I’ll let you know.
I must have got my seat positions pretty close to where they needed to be, as we were quite level with the both of us in the boat. My brother is pretty much the same size as me, although a little shorter. He had more than enough leg room too. It helps from that stand point to not have floatation tanks taking up space.
So what do you think?
One problem I did notice, was this (see the pics below) Can someone tell me what causes this and how to fix it?