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Gas prices

Jul 7, 2015
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Troy, Ohio
My F-150 typically only gets driven on the weekends as during the week I drive a work car. The truck has a 36 gallon tank and unless I'm traveling, only gets filled once a month. Gas prices in my area are currently $1.99-$2.01 a gallon and one gas station about 10 miles away was advertising $1.91 per gallon. I heard on the radio that the price of crude went up $20.00 a barrel which would hit us just in time for holiday travel so I thought I better fill up the truck this weekend. As I was headed out the door, my wife handed me her Kroger card and said she thought she had quite a few points on it for a nice gas discount. What a pleasant surprise when I scanned her card at the pump and received an additional $.80 off per gallon! I wound up filling the tank at $1.21 per gallon! I can't remember the last time I paid $1.21 per gallon of gas.....

Lets see... 0.979 per liter. US gallon is times 3.78 or $3.70 a gallon. Imperial Gallon is times 4.5 or $4.40 a gallon.

I have to fill up every 4 days in the Winter for my work commute.
This is not a feel good topic for some.. Especially our Canadian friends who have to drive quite far to work. For me retired travel is an option and gas prices don't typically bother me
Usually. I heard Connecticut prices are $3.62 a gal.. but that was from my wackadoo SIL.. Think I will fill in MA
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My section of central NYS is currently running at $2.83 for regular unleaded; which is still the highest in the region. A friend from Ohio told me that he paid $2.07 last week when they left the Columbus area to visit us. Bottom line, gas is a real crapshoot and a significant amount of what makes the difference in what we pay from place to place is in the taxes; both state and local.

Luckily for us, we too have a gas card points system that works with our local grocery store. The last time I cashed in the points my gas went from $2.90 down to $1.60. I was happy for the break.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

This morning in Homer, Alaska: regular @ $3.339, diesel @ $3.539 (unchanged since last week) - and I have one of each.
I heard on the radio that the price of crude went up $20.00 a barrel


No idea what that $20 a barrel number comes from. WTI fell below $50 today and that's the lowest in over a year. Today the drop is due to a lack of confidence that the recent OPEC production cuts will actually stick. Canadian oil (WCS) has risen dramatically over the past month or so but it's still selling for less than it was a year ago and it's doesn't have much effect on US gas prices since the discount is related to the extreme high cost of transport given the lack of pipelines.
18 months ago I drove my heavily loaded Subaru with a canoe on top from northern NY State to Dawson City, YT and back. In most places through Canada I paid not less than $6/gal equivalent after conversion from L to G. After returning home, then drove to Texas and back. Found prices varied all over the place, as low as $1.82/g in Arkansas.
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18 months ago we drove Maine across Canada to Fairbanks AK
we never saw 6 thankfully
1.59'a liter was the most. It had to be cash Liard Hot Springs
Nearest gas station is 10 miles away. 10 miles south gas is $2.539. !0 miles north it's $2.879. Any explanations??? So... every 3-4 weeks I drive 23 miles west to the Seneca Indian Res. and fill my truck (+/- 25 gal) and 7 or 8 gas cans. Went last Tuesday and paid $1.799 and probably won't need to go back until next year. The local grocery chain's gas rewards program isn't very good and their nearest station is 18 miles east away. And that, my friends, covers the compass:D
18 months ago we drove Maine across Canada to Fairbanks AK
we never saw 6 thankfully
1.59'a liter was the most. It had to be cash Liard Hot Springs
You have to multiply liters by 3.785 to get US gallon equivalent.
$1.59/L x 3.785L/g = $6.02/gal
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Not defective, but incomplete. Of course I never said whether it was $6 US or CDN. Ok, ok, you got me on the exchange rate, so it was $4.75 U.S. in mid 2017, still painful, but not as painful as my first Yukon trip in 2008 when the ratio was inverted (definitely well above $6/g US and I had to fill a very low mpg rented RV at that time).
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Alberta is dying because the price of Alberta crude is crashing so hard that they put production restrictions on to bump the price, but I've see next to no decrease in gas prices here. Steady around $1.40.
It is funny eh Red that just by crossing the border into Manitoba the fuel price drops like 30 cents a liter.

The cost of crude dropped again this morning to under $49 a barrel.
Not defective, but incomplete. Of course I never said whether it was $6 US or CDN. Ok, ok, you got me on the exchange rate, so it was $4.75 U.S. in mid 2017, still painful, but not as painful as my first Yukon trip in 2008 when the ratio was inverted (definitely well above $6/g US and I had to fill a very low mpg rented RV at that time).

OW. we were dragging an RV last time.. 13 mpg.. I think our first Yukon trip was a a couple of years later and in a better mileage vehicle. Can't remember what the prices were.

error message unexpected Token P. in J son Station 8. whats that.. Do not spend money to find out
Gas is down to 93.9 a liter here with oil down to $45 a barrel.

It is a lovely time of year for all of us to get a holiday treat of lower fuel prices.

I drive a 2010 Highlander, V6, 4WD.