This is so dang easy. Why do I have to keep explaining it on so many forums? Here is the correct analysis from the
United States Canoe Association website:
"Am I paddling a canoe or a kayak?
"The right questions are: Are you canoeing or kayaking? How many blades does your paddle have?
Canoeing uses a
single-bladed paddle.
Kayaking uses a
double-bladed paddle."
There, that's the answer.
If you are using a single blade, you are canoeing . . . no matter the hull.
If you are using a double blade, you are kayaking . . . no matter the hull.
If you are using a pole, you are poling . . . no matter the hull.
If you are using a sail, you are sailing . . . no matter the hull.
If you are using an outboard motor, you are motor boating . . . no matter the hull.
If you are leaning over the bow and propelling the hull by scooping and pulling the water with your hands, you are swimming . . . no matter the hull.
Now if any of you boys or girls wants to jump in any hull -- call it a canoe, a kayak, a SOT, a raft, a coracle, a pirogue, a bateau, a john boat, a scanoe, a whatever -- you can use
any or all of these methods of propulsion you want. To your heart's desire. Ad libitum. Ad infinitum. But you are only
CANOEING the bloody thing when you are using a
That's not a value judgment or moral judgment. It's simply a rational use of proper terminology.