• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Canoecopia 2025

List of exhibitors is already pretty long for being a few months out yet.

Luckily I’m local so I plan my attendance based on the presentations schedule.

I keep asking the Nova Craft people to bring some merch to sell (hats, shirts, gel coat repair, etc) but they never do. Only other way to acquire is buy online and pay the international shipping rate.
Take a nice little road trip see some new country. Go to the Nova Craft Factory, buy yourself a hat, pick up a free sticker or two and take a tour of the production facility.
I personally don’t wear any company’s logo stuff, if they want me as a walking advertisement they need to compensate ($) me.
I would like to take a tour of their canoe factory. I have plotted a drive around Lake Superior in the autumn to see the color, included with a couple of side excursions. Car camping shouldn’t cost much more than gas money. I’d be on vacation just spending my tourist dollars in Ontario for a few days. Worse case scenario would involve buying a roof rack for my rental car to haul a new canoe back to my friend Jeff’s place. He’s got room to store another canoe on his acreage. ;)
The presenter schedule is up on Rutabaga’s website now.
This is Cliff Jacobson’s final presentations as it sounds like he’s going to retire.
How did I miss seeing this invitation?? You will be the first stop I will make after leaving the border crossing. Second stop, if I see a Finnish Restaurant while passing through Thunder Bay on the way.
You and a handful of other posters are the ones that have made this forum my favorite place to visit most every morning, while I replenish my caffeine reserves.
There's usually been 2 or 3 sessions.a year on inclusivity. I've thought they were pretty good. Chicago Adventure Therapy has presented several times. Good stuff. I support them.
Wilderness Inquiry in Minneapolis runs inclusive trips for people with all types of disabilities even supplying personal attendants, if needed. I was on one of their trips to Lake Nipigon in NW Ontario in 2002 when we took out residents of a group home for a week.
Whats all your plans for Canoecopia this year? I’m local so I’d usually buy 2 weekend passes and go everyday. I’d either drag my wife or oldest kid along.

Didn’t do that this year. Not particularly interested in any seminars. I’ll probably swing by Friday and buy a single wristband at the door. My agenda is to buy the longest double paddle Bending Branches may have and a backpacking cot from Helinox. Might strike out, however. In the past I don’t recall much selection of canoe sized double paddles. Nor do I recall seeing cots at the Helinox booth…just chairs. Might be just because thats what I was interested in seeing at the time.
Whats all your plans for Canoecopia this year? I’m local so I’d usually buy 2 weekend passes and go everyday. I’d either drag my wife or oldest kid along.

Didn’t do that this year. Not particularly interested in any seminars. I’ll probably swing by Friday and buy a single wristband at the door. My agenda is to buy the longest double paddle Bending Branches may have and a backpacking cot from Helinox. Might strike out, however. In the past I don’t recall much selection of canoe sized double paddles. Nor do I recall seeing cots at the Helinox booth…just chairs. Might be just because thats what I was interested in seeing at the time.
My son and I will be there Friday and Saturday. Helinox has had cots on Friday but not Saturday a couple of times. The Impression Solo and the Angler Ace are the longest two BB paddles at 280cm. I bought one or the other there my first year. If you call them and ask, they will bring one and hold it for you, no commitment. Plus you get the show price.
Going on Friday gets you first dibs if looking to buy gear. I know in years past some booths were pretty much cleaned out by Sunday.

I don’t know how this is all coordinated between Rutabaga and the exhibitors. I assume most stuff on display is actually Rutabagas inventory…which is why you can pay for it at one checkout with the show discount. Some other booths you pay for the stuff at the booth.
This will be my first time going, excited to check it out. Would like to pick up a couple of paddles maybe, or at least handle them and get a feel for what I want to add to my list for the future. Would like to have another Badger paddle in a different wood maybe, and would also like to look at some Werners and the Sanborn Nessmuk. We’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. But Sunday is really just picking up my Polaris that I ordered in December (assuming no issues) and heading home. Unfortunately have to work Friday so we’ll be getting in too late to see anything.

Also really interested in seeing the Dragonfly 15 in person. I’ll probably be getting a river oriented solo later in the year and it’s on the short list as of now.

For those of you who have been many times, or are local, where are some good local places to eat while we’re there?
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I'll get there Thursday and probably be there full time. I mostly go for the sessions. Over 15+ years haven't bought but 10 items, of course last 5 constrained by air travel.

New restaurant last year - Liberty Station - ate there twice. BBQ. I also like Off Broadway Drafthouse. Honestly, I've been in Madison so often, lots of good places.

Anyone interested in a post show get together, post here. One bulletin board group meet Saturday but I'm undecided this year.
I am envious of all you folk within a day's drive of Canoecopia. This is an event that I would love to check out some day not only for the new gear and seminars, but I cannot imagine that many canoeists in one place!
I'll get there Thursday and probably be there full time. I mostly go for the sessions. Over 15+ years haven't bought but 10 items, of course last 5 constrained by air travel.

New restaurant last year - Liberty Station - ate there twice. BBQ. I also like Off Broadway Drafthouse. Honestly, I've been in Madison so often, lots of good places.

Anyone interested in a post show get together, post here. One bulletin board group meet Saturday but I'm undecided this year.
Heh, we had Liberty Station last year for our Saturday lunch. We usually leave Saturday after the show, so we miss the BWCA dinner. I'm always down to meet canoeists.
Blukanu - I have worked at the show 4 times in the past and all stock which you checkout thru the checkout area is Rutabaga stock. When you pay for stock at a booth that is that vendors stock. Once while setting up the show I helped Yakima employees unload a very large truck load of their stuff. When I asked them about it they told me Rutabaga had already purchased the stock. They attended the show as reps for Yakima helping the public with their purchases as a courtesy to Rutabaga. And another time Rutabaga’s boat buyer told me they typically have about 1200 boats in stock for the show, all purchased by Rutabaga. I don’t know what has changed since the 2 Covid years when the show wasn’t held, but there is fewer vendors now than in the past. Darren Bush, Rutabaga’s owner, always told us the No. American water sports industry viewed the sales volume at the show as a good indicator of what that industry could expect the seasons sales volume to be.

Now I attend the show to meet up with many paddling buddies and a group of us stay at a friends house in the Madison area for the weekend - a great way to start the new season.