Gil Gil Patrick's Puddleduck I think it was called. after I learned a little bit about boats and canoes I basically tossed his book aside when I discovered canoe craft, Rolin Thurlow, Gardner, Chapelle, Parker, and more than a few others 

It's a shallow Arch bottom,. Realize it's only a 30 inch beam, these photos show it a little bit better it was never built to have a flat bottom and it was built as a solo. I added the second seat during the recent refurb just to make it more desirable should somebody want to buy it.Thanks ! I didn't recognize the design.
Gil has some good points, It's funny how we glean ideas from others to make our OWN canoe !
the WC canoe, looks very round bottomed. you learned to lower your seats by this point in time.
Do you use this primarily as a tandem or a solo ?
I'm intrigued. Sassafras is not something that is readily available here in WI. Do keep in mind , if you go that route, that you are getting about 50% more weight (in the strips) for very closely similar strength and elasticity. If you go for it, I for one, would love to see the result.
RE: Weight estimates
I'd guess that a typical, reasonably careful first-time builder can turn out a 16-ft cedar hull w/6oz cloth in the ~55+ish pound range. It breaks down about like so:
- About a third of your 2 ft[SUP]3[/SUP] of (strip) wood ends up as saw kerf, sanding dust, or scrap. That leaves around 16 pounds in the hull. (remember, the BF estimate that you read is raw planks, before cutting to strips)
- One layer of 6-oz inside and out (including fill coats) is about the same, so another 16. Current total 32 for bare hull
- Football , being generous, is at most half the surface area of one full layer, so figure 4 pounds (Actually probably less, as you don't need an extra fill coat, etc.) Total 36
- First-timers (and those of us who do not build often) tend to need to fill "oops" spots in the hull, and have messier finishes inside the stems. (Careful technique can minimize this. Check many of the build threads for hints) Add 2 lbs. Total 38
- The rest is gunwales, seats, decks, carry thwarts, &tc. Ash is traditional, and works well. First timers tend to overbuild here a bit too. 15 pounds is not terribly far off. Totat 53 pounds
All of the above numbers come with a hefty fudge factor, and you could trim some weight in several ways. If you stick with Cedar for the strips, the Seats and seat mounting are the lowest hanging fruit for slimming down, with the gunwales very close behind.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Cool! Here's a nice one.
Cool! Here's a nice one.