• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Restoring an old Trapper's canoe

Nice job Murat!
You really brought that canoe back to life.
And watching your backyard canvassing tricks made me realize that I may need to enlist your help and advice for a couple of my backyard projects...



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Great job Murat, I bet that old trapper would be very happy to see what you have done with that canoe. I re-read the whole post, I just started another canoe and the tip about using the heat gun to remove varnish will come in handy now that I have a new heat gun.
Unfortunately, no space indoors at home so winter forces a halt to any work. Always been envious of folks who have a heated workshop on their property.
Great photos.
I am bogged down in the repair of a 1951 Guide 18. I am replacing 8 ribs which is going fine and some flat pieces of planking. The difficulty is that both inwales are split. I have paddled the boat for 30 years with epoxy repairs.
While the boat is apart it seems logical to repair the inwales. It is a difficult job and I wish there was a carpenter around.