• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Canoe Art: Paintings, Sketches, Sculpture, Architecture

Here is something I've got from 1911. It's fun looking at all the offerings back then, and the prices.


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My wife and I did the Lake Superior Circle Tour last September (by car) and while visiting the Ranger station in Lake Superior Provincial Park, she found the below drawing in a stack of post cards. It is a reprint of an original pencil drawing by a local artist, Lucie Gagnon. I think we paid $4.00 Cdn. For it. The second thumbnail below is the best I could do of the print, the third thumbnail tells a little about the artist and the print. The name/title of the original drawing is "Le Canot De Mike". The 1st thumbprint is of the print in a cheap frame sitting at the back of my fly tying desk. I will eventually hang it on the wall somewhere in my new to me fly tying room aka my "man cave".....My wife has finally come to terms with the fact that our son will not be moving back home (after 5 1/2 years) and has "allowed" me to convert his old bedroom into a combo fly tying room/spare bedroom. The compromise was a couch with a surprisingly comfortable pull out queen bed. I really wanted to use my daughter's room which is on the ground floor, but she has only been out of the house for 2 years......I don't think the Statute of Limitations is up on her room yet.....Luciegagnonartist.com is the website of the artist, It appears that all of her work is based in the area of Northern Lake Superior....I believe her studio may be in Wawa. She has some other nice "canoe inspired" pieces in her online gallery.....



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Does it count if it is art I put on a canoe?

Way back when we had the Jensen, we needed to replace all the bits and pieces after the inwale and outwale failed on a trip. So we did new decks as well and pretty much everything else. You'll have to ask Christy why she wanted Cougars on her boat, the Cougnoe 2. I wood burned them into the bow deck and I used a sharpie to put my logo on the stern deck. Unfortunate we sold that boat, but the new yellow w/c would be Cougnoe 4.


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Just showed up in the mail last week, almost got thrown out since it was hidden amongst other gifts. Really pulls at a return to Marshall Lake next year...


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Post pictures of canoe things as depicted in paintings, sketches, statues, sculpture, or architectural structures. Not photographs.

This is a painting of a solo canoeist in the BWCA by Les Kouba called Canoe Country, reportedly inspired by a photo given to Kouba by Calvin Rustrum. The narrow wake trail behind the paddle makes me think the paddler is ruddering.

Post pictures of canoe things as depicted in paintings, sketches, statues, sculpture, or architectural structures. Not photographs.

This is a painting of a solo canoeist in the BWCA by Les Kouba called Canoe Country, reportedly inspired by a photo given to Kouba by Calvin Rustrum. The narrow wake trail behind the paddle makes me think the paddler is ruddering.

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Nice one Glenn, I see a lot of similarities to our header image, sitting way back with those heavy packs upfront.
I like the old ammo art by Winchester and Remington featuring canoes.
The OT Guide 18 has been white for 30f years. I used to draw images with Sharpies. For the Upper Missouri R in MT Charlie Russell's signature buffalo skull.