With the raving success of Memaquay's Photo of the Day thread and the recent post of artist Rejean Roy, I thought maybe we could start something along the lines of Canoe Art related thread. Maybe folks have some artwork they've collected over the year with a canoe related theme. Or better yet, they've done some canoe tripping related artwork themselves that they'd like to share. Personally, I've been collecting images of paintings and old photos in my research on historical paddle designs. But I'm always on the lookout for living artists who feature canoes prominently in their work. With his permission for posting, here's some artwork of Graham Robertson (Toronto) who does some modern art with traditional tripping gear.
"Coureur Des Bois: Wanigan"
20x24" Acrylic on canvas
"Follow What i Say...Not What I've Done"
24X18" Acrylic on canvas

"Coureur Des Bois: Wanigan"
20x24" Acrylic on canvas

"Follow What i Say...Not What I've Done"
24X18" Acrylic on canvas