• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Big storm reported for you folks back East!!!

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Looks like Wisconsin.


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30. And twelve more coming Friday and something Monday.. The three day cycle of ocean fed storms has started. Not unlike lake effect storms but usually bigger with somewhat less snow amounts.

Time to get out and push back.
We ended up with about 22-24", with a lot of deeper drifts. Fortunately the snow was nice and powdery, so power outages were not widespread (although it was an entirely different story on the Cape and the Islands). A tree went down about a half mile from me and took out the electricity, but only for about four hours. As far as blizzards go, it was fairly benign in mid-Rhode Island. Could have been much worse. Now I have a generator full of gas and no need to use it. And I'm not complaining.
Next! Put the shovels and roofrakes by Aisle 24... six to twelve tomorrow.. PS for those of you with snow on the roof(real snow on the real roof) a rake can save you thousands.. dont let it rain with snow up there.
Next! Put the shovels and roofrakes by Aisle 24... six to twelve tomorrow.. PS for those of you with snow on the roof(real snow on the real roof) a rake can save you thousands.. dont let it rain with snow up there.

About five years ago I had never even heard of a roof rake. That year it snowed, and snowed, and snowed, and then rained, and roofs started collapsing, ice dams and roof leaks were common, and I saw the term "roof rake" somewhere on the interweb. Hmm. So I looked it up maybe about an hour after the rest of southern New England read it, and before you could say "backorder" not a single store had one in stock. Fortunately, I live in Rhode Island, and "know a guy", and was able to procure one. Best investment ever. I will be putting it to use over the next couple days for sure.

This is how they roof rake in Minnesota:


Thankfully we rarely get large snow falls in Iowa so I just let it slide off on its own. It does give a little startle when you hear a rumble and the house starts shaking as a section of snow on the roof lets go and slides off. I always thought it would be fun to climb up on the roof and slide off in the avalanche.

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I saw those last year but made in a Scandinavian country as I remember. Might have to buy one now that they are made here.
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We got about 12" here in the Concord, NH area, nothing much. Have a big enough generator to power the house as there is no woodstove after the house burned down. Snowblower came in handy and I have two roof racks just in case. We just kind of sat here watching the storm going, "What's the big deal?" Back in 2010 we got hammered with storm after storm and this was the Humble Hovel looked like! I just walked up the snowdrifts to clear the roof!


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there is no woodstove after the house burned down.

Was the wood stove what caused the house to burn down? I'm a burner so I'm always curious to hear if that was the cause and how it happened.

“I've been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” (Widely attributed to Mark Twain)
Came home from FL yesterday to 8 inches in the driveway...What?? No one hooked up my plow while we were gone?
Southern VT and some of the Greens got hit pretty good...going lift served tomorrow at Mt Snow, they have 21" fresh, (another 4-8 due overnight) should be excellent in the trees.
Saturday will be back country in the Taconics, serious stuff there, 1600 ft per lap, we'll see how I hold up!!