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1 person tents

If I ever buy another tent for solo use it will be a 2 man Timberline, nice ventilation, good price, easy to find parts.

It’s a shame Eureka stopped making the Alpine Meadows. It was identical to a Timberline in every way, but had a single center hoop pole that held the sides more open. That single center hoop made a huge difference both in interior space and windproofieness.
I have an old Sierra Design Flashlight (?) that sits on the shelf in my gear room. I've used it a couple times when I did a lot of solo hiking but more often I took my SD 2 man tent for the extra sleeping space.
I now hang and have no plans to ground again.
I now hang and have no plans to ground again.

I wish I could hang. We have a Hennesey and it is by far my younger son’s preferred sleeping arrangement. I can’t stand it.

I tried a Clarks and some other pricey brand, set up by a die hard Hammock Forum’er, so I knew the hang was done correct.

Oh the humanity! I was in pain in any attempt at my preferred semi-fetal side sleeping position.

I wish, I wish, I wish, but I just can’t night sleep in a hammock.

Mem, if you have the opportunity to test sleep a properly set hammock give it a try. YMMV. Being able to string a bed above uneven grounds would be a boon.

Honestly I’d say the same for test sleeping a 1-man tent. Maybe trial one, any skinny one-person model, for a couple of nights first, even if that is in the back yard. I can’t imagine stuffing me and the stuff I like to keep inside the tent in most 1 person designs I’ve seen.

Maybe I just like to keep too much stuff in the tent; pad, sleeping bag, pillowage of some sort, the clothes I took off, spare clothes, flashlight, book, reading glasses, pee bottle, etc. I don’t want to have to unzip the doors to get to the vestibule for that stuff.

Maybe a one and a half person tent design, or something more diamond shaped than skinny rectangle, for some mid-tent interior storage space.
My new tent came in! It's actually pretty sizeable! My shoulders do touch both sides, but it's actually quite high, and I have no problem sleeping on my side. Packs up really small and light too. Footprint included! I'm looking at downsizing to one pack for soloing. I think it's gonna be a winner! (reviews will follow this summer).
My new tent came in! It's actually pretty sizeable! My shoulders do touch both sides, but it's actually quite high, and I have no problem sleeping on my side. Packs up really small and light too. Footprint included! I'm looking at downsizing to one pack for soloing. I think it's gonna be a winner! (reviews will follow this summer).

Oh my, Mem is becoming a gram weenie!
Too bad a chainsaw and fuel couldn't fit into a 60L barrel. It might be easier to carry and would float in the event of an upset.
With his wisdom and skills upsets are unlikely. The Spam Lite should float on it's own as well. Perhaps we should design a solar powered chainsaw for his adventures to help lessen his load.
I'm just rambling to myself here I know, but I much prefer to be hands free walking a port. Also I remember mem mentioning an upset in which he was able to fish our his saw from shallow water. And it started for him. I'd hate to see my saw drop to the bottom of a lake or river. Lashed to a thwart? Anyway, as I do some tree clearing and heavy pruning on my property this spring I'll be sorry I'm not doing it in a nicer place, like on a trip, on a port. Or maybe I'm just silly daydreaming.
Hats off to anyone who totes a chainsaw in one hand, a gas can in the other, and a portage pack.. Anyway you can save weight is an honorable goal.

I have done that myself and those days are OVER!
Geeze, a gram weenie! Ha ha, not really, I'm just hoping to get down to two trips across the port instead of three. Especially this summer, doing Diablo again, I really don't want to do three trips on that sucker. Gonna leave the beer at home too, or at least drink it all before we hit Diablo. Emailed my buddy Rob who is my partner in crime on these trips. Told him I had bought a new solo tent. This is his exact response: Better lose some weight first or you'll never tuck your fat carcass into that tight little thing...lol
Hats off to anyone who totes a chainsaw in one hand, a gas can in the other, and a portage pack.. Anyway you can save weight is an honorable goal.

I have done that myself and those days are OVER!

Yepp, those days are just about gone for me too YC.

Aaaaaaand all you mean buggers teasing Mem should be ashamed of yourselves. He is more of a pound weenie...long ways to go before he worries about trimming grams...lol.

Memaquay, If you're in Thunder Bay, April 29-30 at the SportsDome, Gear Up for Outdoors sets up a lot of tents in the dome; you can check them out before buying. Just a thought, though it is a bit of a drive from Geraldton.
My new tent came in! My shoulders do touch both sides

Aaaaaaand all you mean buggers teasing Mem should be ashamed of yourselves.

We’re not teasing, we’re just trying to help.

If we broke his collar bones and re-set them narrower he might fit it that winky tent more comfortably. You distract him, I’ll hit him on the shoulders with a tire iron. Problem solved.

It’s a slippery slope Mem. What’s next, an electric chainsaw with solar panels?
While I have a hammock which I like, I also have a tent which (3 man) I wanted to replace for something lighter and better suited to my needs ... after reviewing the market, I decided that a 1 man was too small (general opinion on this thread) and decided on a 2 man just to give me some stretch room. I selected a tent from this supplier:


called the double rainbow. I think for the money, these may be the lightest and best designs I came across. They have lots of styles for different applications, worth a look if you are in the market.
