I'm curious how many of you are exclusively canoeists and how many enjoy both. Personally, I own both and enjoy both for different reasons.
-Can carry more stuff and are easier to pack
-Offer a variety of sitting positions and are much more comfortable
-Track better and are more enjoyable to paddle
Kayaks (Recreational SOT)
-Are much more stable for fishing, newbies, etc
-Can't be swamped/sunk if you flip them
Generally I prefer a canoe and a single paddle when the conditions are right, but it's hard to argue with the safety of a SOT kayak in any kind of water.
-Can carry more stuff and are easier to pack
-Offer a variety of sitting positions and are much more comfortable
-Track better and are more enjoyable to paddle
Kayaks (Recreational SOT)
-Are much more stable for fishing, newbies, etc
-Can't be swamped/sunk if you flip them
Generally I prefer a canoe and a single paddle when the conditions are right, but it's hard to argue with the safety of a SOT kayak in any kind of water.