• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Marshall Lake loop- NW Ontario (July 2024)

Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
Blairsville, PA (about 30 mi E of PGH)

I’ve heard it said that life is about 10% what happens to us and about 90% how we react to those events and, I suppose that I (mostly) agree with this assessment. Like many, my primary issue is that the decisions we make daily often seem questionable in hindsight and this year’s canoe trip to NW Ontario was rife with those questionable decisions.

We’ll start with timing: Last year, I’d delayed my trip North until mid-September and found the Steel River to have little water in it so I determined to go earlier in the year this time and head North in mid-July as my understanding is that the black flies are usually about done by that time and there would still be plenty of water to keep rivers & rapids passable.

I hadn’t counted on a particularly wet Spring & early Summer in that area and when @memaquay (who provided excellent maps for this trip as well as the Steel River trip last year), told me that the bugs were the worst he’d ever seen them, I probably should have rescheduled my vacation time for mid-August instead.


Now, to be clear, I’ve always found that flying bugs typically don’t like me (ticks do but they haven’t made their way up that far yet) and neither mosquitoes nor black flies have shown much interest in me as a food source in the past so I wasn’t terribly worried about bugs when I packed up the trusty, rusty Ranger and set out early Sunday morning (July 14th).

I didn’t pay any more attention to the speed limits than I usually do but I wasn’t traveling on a holiday weekend either and I did not meet any police officers as PA, Ohio and Michigan faded into the rear view. (as always avoiding the PA turnpike… total waste of money IMO)

I was starting to see more wildlife than last trip as I saw some weird-looking birds (I think they were Sandhill Cranes) grazing the median strip in the Upper Peninsula, an otter just North of Sault Ste Marie and a red fox just before dark.


I had to laugh a little at the border guard when he asked me why I was coming to Canada and then asked “You came all the way from Pennsylvania to go fishing & canoeing in Ontario?” like it was something unusual… Hadn’t he seen all the commercials?

I had to assume he wasn’t an outdoorsman but he allowed me to pass, I again switched to my 25+ year old Garmin GPS (because, although the maps are outdated, it has maps for all of North America and not just the US) and I made my way to the Trans Canadian Highway.


I stopped for supper on the outskirts of Sault Ste Marie at a roadside food trailer that advertised “the best fish & chips in town” and was momentarily taken aback by the choices of fish that they offered. I was prepared for the normal Haddock and Cod but Pickerel?!…

I was about ½ way through the thought of “who in their right minds would eat those tiny, bony things” when I remembered that names vary regionally and, in Canada, Aspens are Poplars and Pickerel are Walleye. (and portages are still a PIA regardless of how one pronounces them)

That remedied, I got a basket of pickerel & fries (very good BTW) to go and munched away as I cruised along the Eastern shore of Lake Superior until I reached Batchawana Bay and the Chicken Shack Motel.


The owner, Colleen Fisher, had been helpful on last year’s trip so I had made arrangements to stay the night on this trip. I think she’d about given up on me as it was nearly 10pm when I arrived and she said that she’d left room #1 open with the key & the wifi password inside on the table.

We did a little paperwork & I settled in for the night having driven 728 miles in 13 ½ hours. I sent out the “all OK” message on the inReach around 10:30pm and then, on a whim, I opened the Earthmate app on my phone (it ties the phone to the inReach for texting & easier map viewing).

Earlier in the week, I had checked the operation of the inReach itself but not the app and for some reason, the app wouldn’t open so I uninstalled & reinstalled it, checked to be sure I could open it and went to bed.


Insect repellent is light and easy to pack as insurance. My wife loves her bug jacket.
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I slept well, woke early and was on the road again by 7:30am; backtracking a little to pick up coffee, fuel and an apple fritter at Voyageur’s General Store because, like last trip, a quick calculation had me running out of fuel about 15 miles before the next gas station. Besides, the coffee there was good last year and the fritter was excellent. (20 minutes round trip for all of that? Absolutely!)

Mem had told me that the pulp mill in Terrace Bay had shut down and the gravel road that I’d taken to Longlac last year was, therefore, not being maintained so I turned right onto 631 at White River and stayed on it through Hornepayne until I hit Rte 11. This route also took me through Nagagamisis Provincial Park which, with an earlier departure on day one, would be a very viable camping option for a future visit.


Route 11 seems to run in pretty much a straight line and the terrain was unbelievably level so I made great time and arrived at memaquay’s house around 2:30 where I met his wife, Irene, and mem cautioned that the bugs might not be as picky there as what I was used to at home since I would, likely, be the only thing on the menu.

I knew that he’d used up all the boards that I’d brought him last year by making paddles so I had brought him some lumber with which to replenish his wood supply. We unloaded some Cherry, Sassafras & a Catalpa board as we compared paddles and enjoyed a couple of beers. I also borrowed a rain jacket as I’d forgotten mine.

In addition, Irene also graciously saved me a stop at the drugstore by providing a toothbrush & toothpaste which I couldn’t find that morning at the hotel (I later found them in my pack but still...)

With his warning of bugs in mind, I stopped at the hardware store in Geraldton to see if they had bear bangers (they didn’t) and pick up an aerosol can of bug spray. I was back on my way around 4:30 but I didn’t get too far out of town before I realized I’d made another questionable decision.

Before leaving home, I’d shared the link to my inReach publicly here on CTN and on Instagram so that anyone interested might follow along.

A few miles outside of Geraldton, I felt the need to make a pit stop to rid myself of the coffee and beers. Nothing unusual about that except that, a couple of years ago I had sustained an impact that loosened a couple of front teeth for me. The dentist suggested removing them and made me a temporary prosthetic while I saved cash for the implants (to give an idea of how much I hate debt, I made my last car payment in 1988 and I’ve paid cash for everything except real estate ever since).

The prosthetic is uncomfortable, however, so I take it out when I’m not talking to someone.

In this case, after leaving the hardware store, I’d taken it out, set it on my lap and forgotten about it when I stepped out of the Ranger to answer nature’s call. I realized my error about 10 minutes down the road, turned around and looked all over the area where I’d stopped but the gravel in the road was various shades of white, beige and pink so I was unable to find it and I resigned myself to having to deal with getting a replacement when I returned home.

What made the decision to share questionable, in my mind, was that anyone with the link would be wondering why I’d backtracked and I would thus have to offer up the above explanation or make up something (note: I’m unsure how embarrassing the truth would need to be that it would cause me to lie but this, obviously, did not make the cut).


Soon after that I lost cell service as I turned off of 584 and onto 643. I followed it through the First Nations community of Aroland and shortly after that the road turned into a washboarded, 4 lane wide, gravel logging road such as I remembered from my Steel River trip.

Another similarity to that trip was that I didn’t really pay strict attention to mem’s instructions as I knew that the Earthmate app showed lake names so I could see when I was getting close to Marshall.

Only problem was that I’d uninstalled & reinstalled the app at the hotel and I’d neglected to download the Canadian maps. The app would be helpful in texting but was useless for navigation this trip.


Nonetheless, I forged on and soon decided to turn left onto a one-lane road because I thought he’d mentioned something about Andomoozwe Outfitters (I probably imagined it). The lane quickly narrowed to just wide enough for the truck and I was sure that I was off the trail again (I seem to have that tendency early in trips… maybe I should get that checked…). Problem was that there was no place to turn around & I really didn’t want to back the whole way to the road.

I messaged mem to check my location while I found a turn-around & headed back to the main road and he confirmed that I was, indeed, off in the woods again and needed to go another 15 miles down the logging road where I should see the parking area on the left.


I finally arrived at the parking area around 8pm and walked the portage trail to check it out... Wow! (and I mean WOW!!)

The trail was almost level, was wide enough to drive a truck on and was SO much nicer than any of the portages on the Steel River had been.
I got my first look at Marshall lake peering into a stiff headwind but it was raining a little anyway so I decided to sleep in the truck instead of packing wet gear in the morning.

The bugs were pretty ferocious and the black flies there didn’t seem to be as picky as those I’d met in Minnesota.

Still… a few bites here & there was a small price to pay for 2 weeks of smooth, nearly level portages and I turned in feeling almost giddy with the anticipation of paddling Marshall lake in the stillness of early morning.

Since we haven't gotten on the water yet, how'd you get that crack in your windshield?
Still not on the water... I have no idea but I've driven the truck for almost 1/4 of a million of the miles that it has on it (odometer is currently at 322,300+) and a lot happens during that time (not all of which I fix).

In this case, the crack is not "within the driver's view" so it passes PA's mandatory safety inspection and it doesn't bother me so I leave it alone.
I'm pretty fastidious about fixing safety stuff but cosmetics mean little to me and I've spent enough of my life around garages that I know what I can get away with (as evidenced in the TR in about 5-6 days)
Day 1

I slept decently and, upon awakening, I regretted not having taken the water filter on the scouting trip the night before. With no water in the parking lot, breakfast (and worse, coffee) would have to wait until I reached the lake. No big deal, I thought, as the mosquitoes & black flies seemed thicker at the parking lot than they were at the launch anyway and they were getting pretty voracious at the parking lot already.


I double portaged to Marshall lake and found the headwind from last night was nearly gone so, of course, conditions were much more favorable for the bugs and they seemed to be taking full advantage.

I wasn’t exactly being eaten alive as most seemed content to swarm around and get spit out as I inhaled them but, given the sheer numbers, even the small percentage who were desperate enough to settle for my blood made it unpleasant and I actually sprayed myself with Deet before returning for the canoe.

From conversations with @Robin, I knew there was a campsite on Dog Island which was just past the point that I could see from the launch so, in hopes that the bugs would be less intense there, I decided to forgo breakfast until I reached that campsite. What I hadn’t quite grasped from studying the maps was the enormity of the lakes on this route.

The paddle from the launch to Dog Island is nearly 3 miles (4.8km) and, while it went smoothly, it seemed to take forever to get to the campsite and I was glad to step out of the canoe as the wind was starting to pick up.

I didn’t want to wait for a fire to burn down so I made breakfast and coffee on the backpacking stove while I explored the island campsite. The wind across the point served nicely to keep the bugs at bay and I think the campsite would have been an ideal destination if I’d arrived a little earlier the night before.

The landing was good, the views were excellent, there were several nice tent pads as well as tons of firewood. (oh… and there were blueberries! Wild blueberries were growing everywhere and were just beginning to ripen.)


I enjoyed breakfast, blueberries and coffee as I watched a few small fishing boats run back and forth past the island and the wind seemed to settle down a bit as I drained the last of the coffee.

I was sorely tempted to just remain on the island for the night but, of course, it was only 11am so, with the wind dying down a little, I pushed off for the West end of the lake.

What wind remained was coming from the West and I had intended to explore every campsite that I could find as I had done on the Steel River trip. The campsite shown on my maps, however, was on the North shore and would have required me to paddle broadside to the wind in order to reach the portage.


Mem had also said that there was an old campsite on the South shore so I decided to check it out instead and worked my way into the wind using a few islands as windbreaks along the way.

I found the campsite without issue and, although it appears that it’s not been used in awhile, it had a nice view, a couple of good tent pads, some rustic furniture and even a pantry of potluck supper options if one were brave (or desperate) enough.


I slipped along the southern shore looking for the mouth of the Gripp river when I spied an old building on the bank, and then 2 or 3 more… As part of my mission was to explore a bit, I beached the canoe, grabbed the cameras and set about being nebby.

It soon became apparent that this was a mining camp of some sort as there were core samples laying about from drilling and I’d initially thought that, given the state of the buildings, they’d been abandoned for decades until I peeked into the outhouse and found that someone had left their reading material. (Oh, wait… The Chamber was released in 1994 so I guess it could have been there for 30 years…)


I paddled on around the point and into the mouth of the Gripp river where it appeared that someone had had a clearance sale on flagging tape. There were places where someone had flagged the shoreline every 4th bush and I had to wonder if maybe they’d read my previous trip reports and had attempted to ensure that I wouldn’t get lost on this trip.


That thought was short-lived however when I found the first portage on river left beside an old trapper’s cabin.


I started off well, the trail was easily followed but the further I went, the more I was slogging through some very swampy ground following flagging tape with no real trail that I could see.

It certainly wasn’t anything like the portage I’d used to arrive at Marshall lake but I did, eventually, make my way back to the water.

It seemed wrong somehow as the portage was supposed to be 263 meters (less than 300 yards) and felt more like twice that. Besides, the trail was crap and it seemed like I’d gone South instead of West.

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I checked the maps, compass and the inReach and decided that the flagging tape had led me back to Marshall lake near the mouth of the Gripp river.

I’m still unsure what all the flagging tape was about although It did lead to a large patch of berries that I’m fairly certain were Cloudberries.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure enough to sample them although I’ve always wanted to.

They were thick in the swampy sections though and I’m sure I could have picked a quart or two.


Back to the cabin I went and I started looking the trail over carefully. I found that the flagging tape had led me astray just a couple dozen yards (meters) into the portage.

There is a crude heart carved into a pine to the left of the trail and the flagging tape (and the most visually open area) goes left while the portage trail actually goes to the right.

(to the far right in the following picture)


That corrected, I briefly explored the trapper’s cabin (much more spartan than the mining cabin had been although in much better shape today) and then paddled down the Gripp river


The next couple of portages went more smoothly as the sky cleared & then sprinkled rain again. The Gripp river was beautiful regardless, the fishing was excellent below every set of rapids but, with bugs eagerly awaiting me on the shore, I practiced catch & release exclusively on that day.

I saw another old cabin as I arrived on Gripp lake but I didn’t take the time to paddle over to it as it was getting late and it was in the wrong direction for getting to the campsite.


Instead, I paddled over to the site that the map said was now the preferred campsite on Gripp lake and found it to be as advertised: Nice, rocky point exposed to the light breeze (so minimum bugs), lots of room and, overall, a very nice site.

I set up camp, made supper and turned in thinking that I was starting to figure out the portage trails a bit better and that I might go check out that other cabin in the morning. I burned a few inches of mosquito coil in the tent, sent out the “all clear” message and called it a day.

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All that flagging tape is a puzzle. Relieved you sorted it out. Great photos Steve.
Yeah, those look like cloud berries to me too.
I was at the Kap bridge last night, picked up my buddy Chainsaw Rob. He went from Marshall to the bridge in two days. He confirmed my suspicions, said the mining activity was actually diamond drilling exploration. That explains the path you followed past the first port out of Marshall, and probably all the flagging tape too.

He also said a wind storm must have gone through since you were there, he said every portage was pretty much destroyed. Sigh. Going to have to find a clearing party next year.
It is interesting that no one has mentioned the fact that Pickerel are also known as Walleye in some parts, but Pickerel is the name of the fish throughout Canadian history and culture.

I may be game for a Marshall adventure Mem.
That’s a good start, I camped at Dog Island my first time thru, and another time I was on Marshall I met a First Nation guy and his wife “I’m George, that’s Alice”, he told me his grandmother built that trappers cabin for his grandfather. He was an interesting guy and one of my great regrets in my paddling life was not inviting them up for tea as they sat in their aluminum boat.
Gamma asked me to share some memories from my trips thru the Marshall Lake area.
Dog Island, 2013

Trappers Cabin, 2013 and 2015


Grip Lake campsite, 2013 and 2015, a beautiful spot,


Day 2


Due to the Easterly exposure of the campsite, the morning sun shone brightly onto the rock and my tent, warming both the camp and the bugs.

I awoke to a swarm of them outside the netting and had little choice but to open the tent, put on my boots and get on with making (and being) breakfast.


I opted not to build a fire so I could get on the water (& away from the bugs) sooner and, after heating water for oatmeal, I put coffee on while I broke down & packed up camp.

The bugs, however, in their determination to drive me nuts, managed to knock the coffee pot off of the camp stove and I, once more, started the day without the elixir of life.

(OK, I’m not actually saying that the spillage was caused by the bugs but I AM saying I’m going to blame it on them… Hey, It’s my lie, let me tell it how I like)


The wind was fairly brisk from the West that morning, so I decided to skip backtracking to the cabin and just head for the other Gripp lake campsite.

I slipped along the shoreline, as always, into the wind for a little less than 2 ½ miles (3.7km) and found the site to be really nice, situated on a steep hill but in nice shape, plenty of room for a couple of tents and had a nice view.

I think I prefer the site I used to this one, but it certainly wasn’t bad and it came with a nice bonus of blueberries.


A few hundred yards (meters) after Gripp lake turned back into Gripp river, I found the next portage on river right. Marked by orange flagging tape tied to the Alder that lined the banks, the portage was in nice shape and there was excellent fishing and a newly constructed cabin below the rapids.


After the portage, the Gripp widened briefly and then became fairly narrow with marshy areas on both sides of the river. I was soon thankful that I was paddling into the wind when I rounded a slight bend and found a cow moose gazing on the underwater plants.

I’d never seen a moose in real life and, like most people I suppose, I was instantly struck by how large they are. She didn’t seem terribly worried about me but did clear out as I approached and I felt a bit bad as I’d not only ruined her lunch but I chased her up on the bank where the bugs were, no doubt, awaiting her as eagerly as they did me.


Shortly after the moose, the lake widened dramatically but didn’t seem to get any deeper as it opened up into a sea of wild rice known as Summit lake. Summit is a bifurcating, or height of land, lake. The water from the Southern outlet flows to Lake Nipigon, then Superior and the Atlantic Ocean while the Northern outlet flows to James Bay and the Arctic Ocean.

In researching this trip report (because I do stuff like that), I was able to find only one other lake in the world (Isa Lake in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming) where the 2 drainages actually end up in different oceans.

(Wollaston Lake in Saskatchewan empties into the Arctic Ocean in 2 different places but it’s still the same ocean so, in my opinion, that doesn’t count.)


For my loop, I was headed for the Northern outlet which is the Powitik River but, as I’d been paddling into a headwind all day and was feeling pretty out-of-shape in general for this trip, I was looking for a break so I was looking for a campsite to explore.

I looked around on the southeast end but couldn’t find the one that was supposed to be there. No big deal, I thought, as the other was listed as being the better spot to try my luck for some Pickerel (Walleyes).

This time, the 1 mile (1.6km)ish open water crossing didn’t worry me much since, although the wind was fairly stiff, the vegetation seemed to break the force of the waves more than it slowed the forward motion of the boat. Besides, I could often see the bottom and, in most places, it seemed to be only waist deep.


I found the campsite on the western shore with no problem and was pleasantly surprised that it was in nicer shape than I’d expected. The maps had warned that fishermen & duck hunters often used the sites on Summit and they can be garbaged up.

Overall, it really wasn’t a bad site and, although I didn’t manage a Walleye off of the landing, I did manage to stretch out my back laying flat on the rocks in the sun and didn’t get eaten to the bone by the bugs.


I spent about ½ an hour lounging around in the sun before pushing on toward the north end and the mouth of the Powitik River. I saw my second moose of the day as I neared the lake’s terminus and it didn’t seem any more concerned by my presence than the first had, although, like the first, it also moved into the bush to let me pass.


As I neared the outlet, there was some cribbing visible underwater that I had to assume was the remnants of an old splash dam but the surrounding terrain didn’t really lend itself to flooding so I wasn’t really sure.


The maps warned that I might need to wade in places at the start of the Powitik and, as usual, the information was spot-on.

The first few hundred yards was shallow & rocky with enough water to (mostly) float the canoe as long as I wasn’t in it so I waded along guiding the canoe around what rocks I could and dragging it over the rest.

It wasn’t long before I was paddling again and the river was shallow with wild rice in the water and large marshes to either side.


About an hour later I saw my 3rd moose of the day and this one kinda freaked me out.

She looked at me almost quizzically and took a step towards me so I stood up in the canoe, waved my arms and shouted to her in an effort to discourage her from coming aboard (it’s a solo canoe but she looked a little heavy to paddle bow anyway).


I had to assume that her behavior differed from the others because she might have had a calf laying on the bank nearby but I’m unsure. Maybe the other calves were older / further back in the bush but she did have me digging in my pocket for a bear banger in hopes that it would also scare the crap out of a moose.

Now, many who’ve read my stories previously may recall that I tend to lose things along the way and rummaging in my pocket revealed that I still had all 3 of the bear bangers that I’d started with but the launcher was, unfortunately, not aboard.

Happily, even without launching any exploding projectiles, she eventually decided against trying her hoof as a canoeist and wandered slowly up onto the bank where she stood chest-high in the bush and watched me as I hugged the far shore and paddled past.


The remainder of the day went well as I paddled the often narrow, shallow river watching for moose and (not to be greedy but) hoping for a Woodland Caribou sighting.

The portages were relatively easy to find and follow, the rapids continued to produce fish which I, for the most part, continued to release rather than suffer the extra bug time while cleaning them.

I did, eventually keep a nice Walleye that had gotten hooked deeply, I cleaned him up on the portage before the falls, stuffed him in the nalgene bottle that I carry for fish filet transport and took him along to camp.

The portage to camp came out right beside a nice waterfall and I briefly checked for another, larger site below the falls but the large rock face seemed to draw fewer bugs and there was plenty of room for one person.

I made supper, tried a few more casts for fun, took pictures as the sun faded and retired to the tent with the now normal routine of burning a few inches of mosquito coil, sending the all clear and checking the maps for tomorrow.

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I'm wondering how the section from Grip to the falls on the Powitik went. Did you run that last rapid before the falls, or use the port?
Day 3

I started the day with more decisions to make. I’d planned on a much slower pace but, while the bugs owned the land, they usually weren’t bad at all out on the water.

The result of these conditions was that I was spending all day on the water paddling and, while I was trying to maintain a slow, yet steady pace, the fact is that you can cover some ground (and water) if you keep moving all day.


Not far downstream from camp the Powitik River flows into the Kapikotongwa (Kap) River.

I was planning on being here closer to the end of day 4 than the morning of day 3 and had even contemplated taking a rest day on Faubert Lake which is upstream a few miles.

While studying the maps and planning my trip, I’d noticed a waterfall marked on the map of Faubert Lake and, as my frequent hiking partner, Cathy, can attest, I’m a sucker for waterfalls and nice vistas.


This one didn’t look inaccessible on the map… maybe a couple miles of bushwacking upstream and it WAS large enough to be marked on the map while the one I’d camped by the previous night was not.

So, despite the warnings of TLC acting as background music in my head, I made the (questionable) decision to paddle (upstream, into a headwind) to check it out.

If it worked out, it might serve as redemption for dragging Cathy along on the futile hunt for a hidden waterfall on our day hike of the Loyalhanna Gorge trail and, if not, at least I was solo… I wouldn’t have anyone threatening to kill me when we reached the car.


Honestly, the “upstream” part really didn’t seem to be a factor as the flow, in most places, was barely discernible. Even in the narrower sections where it was, the sandy bottom was close enough to push off of and the canoe could easily overcome the current.

It was a long, flatwater paddle in the hot sun and a headwind, however, and I found myself occasionally feeding bugs while taking a break on the shore.


I also found myself paddling alongside a few pairs of swans and was surprised by how quickly they can paddle (with, seemingly, very little effort).

I’d seen a lot of ducks but they were very skittish and I’d been struggling to get good pictures of them.

The swans, however, seemed content to honk their heads off and paddle away (presumably leading me away from their nests but I’m not sure why that would take both of them)


Two things that struck me about the scenery were that, near the junction of the Kap & Powitik, there seemed to be large clearings behind the trees that lined the banks.

I wasn’t sure if these were due to the efforts of memaquay and, perhaps, others like him to create riparian buffers that preserve the wilderness feel or if there were just large marshy areas beyond the trees.


The second was that, as I neared Faubert, there was an old burn on river right (my left going upstream).

While, it didn’t seem to be nearly as recent as the burns on Cairngorm last fall, I, once again, thought it was remarkable how rapidly & completely the forest seemed to recover.


Upon reaching Faubert, I was, again, greeted by bank-to-bank fields of wild rice and also saw a float plane fly over which was the first sign of human activity (except for marking tape & the occasional portage sign) that I’d seen in days.


I paddled around the corner to the mouth of the stream I’d follow to the waterfall and, although mem had said he thought I could paddle the whole way to the falls, I wasn’t 200 yards upstream when I encountered a very well-built and impressive beaver dam that was easily 4 feet (1.22 meters) high.

I suppose I could have scaled it but I knew that there were likely others upstream & I’d have to drag over them both directions.

Given that the boat was fully loaded with gear and this dam was both high & steep, I decided to admit defeat, take advantage to both current and tailwind and paddle back the way I’d come.


In hindsight, I kind of wish I’d paddled into Faubert proper, just to check it out, but mem had said there was road access to it now and I just wasn’t into it at the time.

The river, the fishing below the rapids and the thought of a tailwind had more appeal and, besides, the bugs seemed to be really enjoying the shallow water and I was getting swarmed again.

I paddled leisurely back toward the junction of the Kap & Powitik rivers, enjoying the sun and the lack of portages, removing shoes & socks and simply enjoying the day.


I paddled downstream toward an “easy class 1” rapid and a bony rapid with portages that were reportedly overgrown to the point of being no longer useful but I wasn’t too worried about them.

I knew that my boat does not handle well in the current but the maps said he’d always shot the bony rapid and I should just pick a careful line & expect to hit a few rocks.

No worries there; although I don’t intentionally abuse my canoes, I’d built it to be used and believed that it could withstand some impacts.


The “easy class 1” was barely a riffle and I did take a few minutes to look for a portage around the second rapid. Not finding one, however, I looked over my options, thought I saw a good line w/ minimal rocks, knelt down and prepared for impact.

I thought I was doing pretty well descending the rapid and was almost through the top (the really bony part) when I caught on a rock mid-hull and the stern caught in the current. I was now high-centered, sideways in the rapid and in danger of pinning. I jumped out downstream so as to keep the upstream gunnel from dipping while I exited but, as I pushed off, I heard the distinctive “crack” of one of the strips breaking.

The reduced weight, however, did allow the water to push the boat off of the underwater rock and I jumped back in as it floated free.

The remainder of the rapid included just some minor scraping and I pulled ashore below the swift water so I could move gear aside and inspect the hull.

There were no leaks, just a small spider-webbed area where, no doubt, the wood below had cracked but I felt that it would be OK unless I was unfortunate enough to hit hard again in that exact same spot.


I paddled on looking for the next campsite and soon found it on river left. It was up a steep rock face, looked like it hadn’t been used in years and did have a couple of nice tent pads but it was early, there was very little breeze to deter the bugs and I made another questionable decision when I decided to paddle on.

In hindsight, I should have unloaded and returned upstream to catch some fish for supper at the bottom of the last rapid but hindsight, as always, didn’t come until later.


In this case, “later” was about 4km (2 ½ miles) downriver when I came to the next portage. This one goes around what the maps described as “some knarly class 2/3/4 rapids, depending on water levels”.

Now, one would think that, given that description, the portage should be pretty well-used but that did not seem to be the case.

There were places where it was hard to follow, a few places that I went into swamp up to my knees and I wound up dragging the canoe for about 2/3 of the 670 meter (133 rod) portage.


The maps indicated that there was a “real bughole” of a campsite in the patch of grass at the start of the portage so I switched up my portage routine this time and carried the canoe through first figuring that, if I found nothing better, I could set up camp in the bughole and finish the portage in the morning but, either way, the canoe had to go through.


This decision actually worked really well as I found enough room near the end of the portage to tuck the tent into a small grove of Cedars so I returned for the pack, skipped the fire that night, made supper on the backpacking stove and burned 3 sections of mosquito coil in the tent that night when I turned in.


Yep, as you might have guessed by that last part, it was still a real bughole but, at least it was a bughole at the right end of the portage.

Throughout the trip, I didn’t find mosquito coil to be overly effective but it helped and, after about an hour and a half of swatting anything that landed on me, I had the bugs tamed enough that I could sleep.

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