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Carrying a gun when canoe traveling just because

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That is one big Maine Coon Cat. Always liked that breed and if my wife wasn’t allergic would probably own one. But dang that’s a big cat.
Buffalo Bore and some other manuf ammo are game changers. Thanks for the update.
I have been shooting Model 94 for 60 years and own several of them.
For Alaska working every day , I carried a Marlin .444. Since then I acquired a Marlin Guide gun in .45/70. The modern actions can be loaded up.
There is no doubt that the old .30/30s show up everywhere in the North. It is easy to find ammo.
A much better rifle imo was the marlin .35 cal over the 30-30. I doubt any rifle will ever surpass the venerable 30-30, it was almost a standard for so long. I use Buffalo Bore and other mfgs ammo is certainly changing the game somewhat. I am a believer in 12ga slugs and my old Winchester pump gun
Black bears have been known to climb on the roofs of houses to attack people. .
I don't like the look of this bear in the photo at all.
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Black bears have been know to climb on the roofs of houses to attack people. .
I don't like the look of this bear in the photo at all.
Are you talking about the incident near Lake Louise, AK? I don't have the details, but I remember hearing of the incident when I lived up there. Weird stuff.
Are you talking about the incident near Lake Louise, AK? I don't have the details, but I remember hearing of the incident when I lived up there. Weird stuff.
I don't remember all of the details but the bear was acting preditory and somehow the couple ended up on their roof. The husband was afraid to shoot it with the small caliber gun they had so he made an escape to their boat planning to go across the lake and get a more powerful weapon from a neighbor to kill the bear. When he got back the bear had unfortunately killed his wife.
I don't remember all of the details but the bear was acting preditory and somehow the couple ended up on their roof. The husband was afraid to shoot it with the small caliber gun they had so he made an escape to their boat planning to go across the lake and get a more powerful weapon from a neighbor to kill the bear. When he got back the bear had unfortunately killed his wife.
Sounds about right. Yep, weird stuff.
A little more info: The bear on the roof has two yearling cubs who have learned to open car doors and ransack the interior looking for treats. They've also attempted to enter houses by pushing on doors and windows. One got in through a bathroom window and roamed the house while the owner was yelling at it. All these bears have been captured, tagged, and released by California DFW, but so far they haven't done sufficient damage to warrant euthanasia, according to the rangers. This is Sierra Madre, not a rural area, but it backs to the San Gabriel mountains and Angeles national forest. Residents are told to keep their garbage cans locked inside until the day of pickup, but as the picture below shows (taken 15 minutes after the cans were put out), the bears know the schedule as well as the residents.
I vote bears’ rights. Too many subdivisions. Someday, there won’t be bears and we’ll have coast to coast cities. People just aren’t the end all justification for destroying nature - not for jobs, not for new housing growth (ie. urban sprawl).
Bears at Lake Tahoe are habituated and create all kinds of problems. They break into houses and take everything out of the refrigerator and pantry and then take a nap. People come home to a big mess and a sleeping bear. Some bears have figured out how to pull the siding off and push the sheet rock between the studs. They know the garbage schedule. Some don't hibernate. They open up cars and pull out windshields.

The problem bears are air lifted to the remote mountains behind my house. I always bring a dog and a firearm when I hike and sleep up there.
Our local problem bear died a few years ago (of natural causes, not hit by car as this article supposes). Before that she made national news.

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