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Things you've lost or misplaced on a canoe trip . . .

I've lost mostly small stuff; a washcloth got away from me while swimming/bathing once, and I accidentally left 30' of Kelty TripTease Lightline wrapped around a tree another time. I was given my first pocket knife at age 4, and kept it through my entire childhood. My mom still had it at her house until I was in my 50s, and then it disappeared on me. Point is, I was always pretty good at keeping track of my stuff.

I tend to buy brightly colored versions of an item (e.g., blaze orange mug, yellow vs red Swiss Army Knife scales) or mark small pieces of gear with a piece of orange duct tape or fluorescent pink cord. I also make some of my own stuff sacks, so my tent stake, tarp, sleeping pad, and 'junk bag' are all orange. The prussik knots on my bear bag line (an almost invisible shade of grey Lash-it) are tied with pink cord, and I'm transitioning to bright yellow Zing-it.
Sometime around 1977 my college buddy and I were fishing on Gardner Lake in Connecticut. We had anchored up in about 20' of water and decided to move. My buddy was in the bow of my dad's 1941 Old Town Otca. He pulled up on the anchor rope which was attached to a very heavy chunk of stainless steel. When it didn't come up easily he gave it a heave and flipped the boat so fast I think we spun completely over before hitting the water. Four rods and two (open) boxes of lures sank to the bottom. A nearby boat rescued us and I marked the spot. I went back with my diving gear and retrieved most of the gear. I don't think I ever fished with him again unless we were wade fishing.