• Happy Worship of Tools Day! ⚒️🪚🔧

Wood canvas canoe gathering?

I would like to attend if I can make it work. I am planning on the WCHA Assembly too. It might be nice to do a fall leaf peeping excursion.

Going by the responses so far, I'd suggest this idea has momentum!

I really like the idea- and am trying to decide in advance which vessel (Pal, Prospector or Bobs?) to bring- but the reality is that I'm reluctant to commit to anything right now as we navigate the latest grim COVID news.
Fingers and toes crossed that we are at a level of medical certainty by next summer to pull something like this off.

Happy Solstice!
I'm thinking Positive Pook, see ya there! Pal, Prospector, or Bobs? That's a good problem to have ;-)

Robin, Keep me posted on locations, I don't have to travel far.
Great, I know you're in the neighborhood, good news.
I would like to attend if I can make it work. I am planning on the WCHA Assembly too. It might be nice to do a fall leaf peeping excursion.
That would be great, Fitz, maybe we can get Steve to stop by too?
If this is going to end up similar to the one we did a couple years back on Little Tupper, it was most excellent... I won't be able to commit until closer to time. (New job, lots of travel, sudden changes to schedule.)
Hi Seeker,
That would be great if you can make it, so far no place has been singled out, but the date looks like a few days prior to the WCHA assembly at Paul Smiths in NY, July 11-13, 2022.
Just a heads up, if the gas prices continue to rise I will probably have to pass on making the trip over to the Adirondacks for a gathering. It's somewhere around 800 miles round trip for me and I just can't justify spending that much on gas for a short trip.

$4.19 a gallon today here in Maine.
Canada is even worse, we will be around 8.00 bucks a gallon in Northern Ontario by next week, that's around 6.30 USD. Think I might be starting a lot of canoe trips from my back yard this year.
Just a heads up, if the gas prices continue to rise I will probably have to pass on making the trip over to the Adirondacks for a gathering. It's somewhere around 800 miles round trip for me and I just can't justify spending that much on gas for a short trip.

$4.19 a gallon today here in Maine.
but if the gathering were in Maine...probably would be more expensive for many
Canada is even worse, we will be around 8.00 bucks a gallon in Northern Ontario by next week, that's around 6.30 USD. Think I might be starting a lot of canoe trips from my back yard this year.
I have been watching CDN gas prices for a month, things just kept getting worse. Luckily, Maine has some pretty decent destinations till things quiet down.
Our daughter borrows our canoe and slaps it on a Prius to head north. I used to think she was plain crazy. Beginning to think she's crazy like a fox.
I was thinking some foam blocks on my commuter car may be in order this year. I prefer my truck, but prices are indeed nutty.

I've driven my wife's Nissan Versa to Canada with the canoe on top a couple of times. It gets a little squirrelly in bad weather and around big trucks but I'm saving money
I may have to go to the Adirondacks and live in a tent just to stay warm. Two weeks ago, I paid the most I've ever paid for home heating oil, $3.30 USD. A week later it was $5.40 USD. For a 550 gallon tank, I don't even want to think about it.
Gas is $4.49 here in Florida.

This could put a major crimp in traveling plans. I could probably buy a pakboat and fly for what gas will cost to get north this summer.
As long as its in Maine.. I can't wait to see what the ferry costs would be to get to the Adirondacks. Gas is 3.99 here. However when all the bump in gasoline arose we were in Florida.. nothing to do but grit our teeth and go home. It is what it is.

We can heat with wood.. thankfully the major part of heating season is done.
My wife drives a Subaru Forester, but try prying that from her, I'd rather pay the extra for gas in my Tacoma.

I've already given up on my first ever northwest Ontario fly-in trip from Nakina, On. Just too many miles at these prices. I'm pretty sure a trip back to northern Quebec like last year is in the cards, it's 1000 Canadian miles round trip, about 1400 total, maybe $350-400 in gas but if I get decent weather this time I can stay 10-14 days.

Many Maine 2-4 nighters planned too.
I'm planning on attending WCHA assembly this year. I normally have my entire ADK summer planned out and booked by now, but gas prices have put a hold on this for sure. I am 4 hours from the high peaks. Not bad at 2 bucks a gallon. Pushing 5 is too painful to bear.
I'm planning on attending WCHA assembly this year. I normally have my entire ADK summer planned out and booked by now, but gas prices have put a hold on this for sure. I am 4 hours from the high peaks. Not bad at 2 bucks a gallon. Pushing 5 is too painful to bear.
It sounds like a good reason to add a couple days to a trip.