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Wood canvas canoe gathering?

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
Any other wood canvas canoe owners interested in a wilderness canoe gathering next spring/summer or even fall of 2022. New York’s ADK’s would be a good central location for most folks, Ohio, Pa., southern Ontario, Mass., Ct., New Hampshire, Maine.

These things are always hard to coordinate but worth a try. A bunch of wood canvas canoes together would be epic.

Lows lake, ADK’s
These things are always hard to coordinate but worth a try. A bunch of wood canvas canoes together would be epic.

Not wilderness camping but... the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Assembly is in Paul Smith's College of the Adirondacks next July 12th to 17th...always dozens of wooden canoes together ( COVID not withstanding)...


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Go for it, ligneous guys and gals!

I'm all in favor of further developing CTN as a top internet destination for information and history about, building and restoration of, and events and activities related to wooden canoes.

I would consider somehow finagling a w/c canoe, at least temporarily, to attend such a gathering. I'd love to see and try out various w/c canoes.
Go for it, ligneous guys and gals!

I'm all in favor of further developing CTN as a top internet destination for information and history about, building and restoration of, and events and activities related to wooden canoes.

I would consider somehow finagling a w/c canoe, at least temporarily, to attend such a gathering. I'd love to see and try out various w/c canoes.
Can bring a Duet. Sometime before the Assembly would be nice. Then don't have to make two trips.
These things are always hard to coordinate but worth a try. A bunch of wood canvas canoes together would be epic.

Not wilderness camping but... the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Assembly is in Paul Smith's College of the Adirondacks next July 12th to 17th...always dozens of wooden canoes together ( COVID not withstanding)...
Pook, You are close to the ADK's than me, you should consider, keep it in mind.
I’m up for a group trip. I will be at the assembly as well. Or combine them…

Go for it, ligneous guys and gals!

I'm all in favor of further developing CTN as a top internet destination for information and history about, building and restoration of, and events and activities related to wooden canoes.

I would consider somehow finagling a w/c canoe, at least temporarily, to attend such a gathering. I'd love to see and try out various w/c canoes.
Glenn, I will bring a canoe for you, a 14' Fox replica, you can show off your quiet water skills
Can bring a Duet. Sometime before the Assembly would be nice. Then don't have to make two trips.
It would be great to have you, this time I'll give accurate directions.

A good start, and Glenn is correct, this would just add another feather to this wonderful websites cap.
Wonderful idea, especially to combine with the WCHA assembly at Paul Smith's. I'll bring the Willow and afterwards (or prior to) head into the St. Regis Canoe Area; it's accessible by water from the assembly site.
Dates are always tricky for me … but I am on board … count myself and my tripping Dog Jake in. My 15 prospector loves visiting other WC canoes on a trip. I would hate to miss it.

Was thinking about a trip back to Nova Scotia next summer. Who knows what could work out? Maybe I could find a barn Chestnut in New Brunswick on my way through.
oops. My canvas is Cecconite...( is that allowed) We might also bring a naked wood Robertson.. It needs a good home and we might donate to WCHA. It needs some gunwale, deck work and of course a skin.
I have already committed to the Puckerbrush Primitive Gathering July 15-17, 2022 in eastern Maine (Columbia Falls). I display my canoes and traditional gear there. Unfortunately, this clashes with the WCHA event.
I could be in the Paul Smiths area the weekend before or even Mon, Tue, Wed (July 11th-13th).
For those going to the WCHA event, this might work as Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the best days to be at the WCHA assembly.
There is some really nice primitive camping at the WCHA event which I have used in the past, but it's just a place to lay your head, everyone spends the day/evenings at WCHA events. It would be more like "I'll see you there" rather than a Canoetripping.net gathering imo.
I think a large campsite is best for a gathering vs. an actual trip. Even something people could paddle into for the day to visit if they prefer not to camp. I have some locations to share if and when this idea gets momentum.

Going by the responses so far, I'd suggest this idea has momentum!

I really like the idea- and am trying to decide in advance which vessel (Pal, Prospector or Bobs?) to bring- but the reality is that I'm reluctant to commit to anything right now as we navigate the latest grim COVID news.
Fingers and toes crossed that we are at a level of medical certainty by next summer to pull something like this off.

Happy Solstice!
I am planning to be at the assembly wed-sat. Before that works fine for me. I am fairly flexible though and can make most days work with enough notice.

Thanks for taking the initiative Robin. Should be a good time if it pans out.
