Aaahh, I remember the good old days, when our backcountry diaper bag was all canvas and leather. Just kidding of course.
Ours as I recall was a small dry bag for the diapers, wipes and etc, and a screwtop bucket lined with a plastic bag for the waste. The first trip on which my youngest no longer needed diapers is right up there with the first trip on which we all paddled solo boats.
I don’t especially like most retail stores, the exceptions being the local country store, an outfitter shop and an independent hardware, where the staff know my name and I know theirs.
I don’t shop. I buy, usually waiting until I have accumulated a list, so as not to have to go too often.
Grocery stores are my least favorite environment, or at least tied with the hell of BigBox shopping, and I do the weekly grocery shopping at 6am midweek. Even then it is the quintessential example of people’s complete lack of situational awareness.
Welllll, dumdedum, I’ll just park my cart here diagonally and stand beside it blocking an entire isle. In an amazing feat I somehow don’t even see the large man 3 feet way with the cart, staring at me with arched eyebrow and slowly shaking his head.
dang, I am in a ranty mood.