I've seen municipal snow dumps before, but Winnipeg's seemed mountainous. Maybe it was all special effects. A snow bump in a flat landscape. It looked like Kilimanjaro to me. There was some sort of controversy, though I don't remember what it was. Trespass tobogganing? Contaminated melt water? I dunno. Anyway, I'd rather a snow mountain at the city limits, than snow swamped city streets.
Something I haven't seen around here much anymore; snow fences. My Dad erected one without fail, every November, on our front lawn. It worked well, as it baffled the wind coming across the neighbouring farm fields, and built a neat and deep drift down the length of our lawn. I used to think he did all this engineering for me. My very own snow drift. It made a great fort! Over the years I've seen these fences disappearing from the landscape, and I wonder why. Shrinking municipal budgets, or lighter snow falls? This year's precip numbers sure have taken everyone by surprise.
Lately I've been working on a job several miles from home, and have been avoiding the highways. Instead I've been "taking the back route." I go from grumbling about my driveway, to humming to classical music, as I glide through the snowy landscape. I have to be careful though. The frost heaved roads are the worst I've ever seen around here. Spring can't be far off. It must be just around the corner, but it might be a looong corner yet.