I forgot about winter parcel delivery issues.
My long, steep dirt driveway is often impassible and we park our cars at the top of the hill a fair hike from the house. 20 years of that has gotten old, but we’re used to it.
But the USPS, FedEx and UPS drivers aren’t walking down with packages. Occasionally they leave a note that delivery was unsuccessful, but often as not they simply leave the package at the top of the drive near the mailbox.
Well, the package starts out near the mailbox, but the top of the hill is very open and wind exposed. If you put a slender package containing a light weight bent shaft paddle at the top of a windy, ice covered hill it may end up a quarter mile away at the bottom of the hill on the other side of the road.
I’m tracking a package scheduled to arrive today, and fortunately the driveway is passable. Another ice storm is predicted for Monday and if it arrives then I may not find it ‘til spring.
Complete aside, when you look at the FedEx logo do you see the Ex arrow?
If you never noticed it before it will probably be the first thing you see from now on.