The older I get, the more I appreciate a chair, soft bed, and flat surfaces at a convenient working height.
My luxury items these days are either a hammock or full-sized and well insulated Thermarest mattress, an air pillow (you can adjust it 'just right' to prevent sleep-induced injuries), a Helinox Chair One, and a cutting board.
I'm getting to be 'on the fence' when it comes to a second pair of shoes (I normally make one pair work the whole trip, changing based on water temp.) It's really nice not to put on wet shoes the next day, or not have to walk around in Muck Boots in camp. On the other hand, if you have 2 pairs, that's one you have to carry.
I've also come back from a folding saw to a bucksaw... a folder is way lighter, but I'm really getting tired of a short blade; it takes too many strokes to get through a simple 3-4" thick branch of hardwood. Jury's still out on hatchet/ax... I have all sorts from 8-32 ounces, but I just can't decide; lighter is easier to carry, but more work in use, and I'm getting to the point, as with the saw, that lighter might be counterproductive.
I've also recently upgraded my frying pan from a tiny 5 or 6" one to an 8-9" Cold Handle clone... we'll see how that works out.
On non-portage/short portage trips, I'll take a wannagen, a Whelen lean-to, and a full-sized folding chair, and maybe a small dutch oven.